
Hey, I have to justify my loans some how.

*Conform to the policy goal inherent in a consumption tax, FIFY

Is that why in 2012 oil averaged $40 more a barrel?

Yeah oil prices aren’t at a decades high.

1975-76 would like a word.

So a community that chooses to value self reliance is forced to live by your rules?

Only if you think policy should be made at a national level. Thus there are narrow rights assigned by the constitution to the federal government so a New Yorker isn’t making policy for a Montanan or visa versa. The problem is certain political factions don’t remember that lesson from civics. Immigration, national

This was first time she would see her hometown friends after a year at uni. She had driven the Volvo 530 miles. It had been her companion since her 16th birth day, they were the same age after all. And as she stared down the beach, her friends all look so different now, time had changed them or perhaps her and now she

Germans are weird

People should pay more of the things I don’t pay!

They are essentially the same thing. The only reason the Willy’s is road legal is it has an old vin, not because it is inherently better at road-ing.

You also live in a postage stamp of an island, with six times the population density, a Tory government, and an economy slightly smaller than California.

When are they going to get rid of the hood vents? It is not really a deal breaker but it seems very Buick and that makes me sad. Otherwise a rather smashing entry into the market.

Scooters: More reliable than a pile of rust and misplaced expectations?

‘Fuck Scooters’ was the name of my punk garage band, you owe me if you want to use the name.

Service POS

Being laid off in a very tight job market means they all probably got higher paying jobs anyway. That’s probably why they don’t have to same hate boner that GMG seems to.

This kind of bullshit would have me unplugging every speaker in the car, if you can’t just turn it off. There was some asshole in some asshole meeting who just had to provide his asshole insight of “hey we need to maintain the illusion of an engine for our current customers why don’t we add in an engine note” and that

Waive off, waive off!
