
Okay, Karl, calm your britches. I too am sympathetic to you people in the working classes and by sympathetic, I mean pity.

Shift in the breaking zone to set up your exit, like a normal person?

Also those with terrible short distance vison as the inside will give your retnal herp. Who ever thought the seat are with the most wear should be white needs to have their finger nails removed with a blowtorch. It is a perfect storm of every shitty GM interior design. The Tesla is terrible too but because it is too

Fuck you Ohio this man is a hero!

Just buy a hat.

So if I keep on the maintenance it is unlikely to shit the bed?

Well also if you look at Australia’s animal related death statistics you get that impression. Also never go to Australia, it’s just the worlds largest collection of poisonous things.

Fire, fire is the long answer.

Your stories of your sexual exploits are getting out of hand.

Sally works for UBS?

We have tea alternate Thursdays, he uses his fingers to stir his cup, real weirdo.

Yeah but look at it. Plus no internet porn, $1.25 is a got damn bargain!

A true steward of the people’s money.

If you were in a different tax bracket like your betters, you wouldn’t be spouting that nonsense.

I’ve seen better teases watching scrambled porn in the 90s. Full frontal or gtfo Tesla.

Gawker media only publishes the UAW press releases.

All assembly lines suck, that’s why you went to college instead.

Just because UAW doesn’t send out a press release every time one of their covered workers gets themselves stuck in a machine (probably by sleeping in it during their shift) doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.

“Bro” car-sonified.

I respect the lengths to which she has gone to protect the paint. Nothing says I love my mustang than standing on your toes to protect the rear quarter. Also is the next frame her running at the photographer with the tire iron she retrieved from the trunk?