
Why does Tesla need “sales staff” the demand outstrips supply.

Is ford giving us a sex tent? The Aztec had a sex tent does anyone know what the take rate was.

So you don’t know about jezzabel? Your mind will be blown.

This is not Werth’s first piece of this nature there is one a week plus several suggested in the comments. More over Alanis writes as if there were no female drivers and yet it seems as long as there were cars there were female drivers. It’s an odd blind spot, especially for those may consider themselves feminists.

Fake news, Alanis has been very clear there were not any female racers prior to the modern era, because patriarchy.

Beware the income effect.

How is the wind noise and fit and finish? The savagegeese found it wanting in those areas but other wise delightful.

Can Tom get us a bulk deal?

I blame Wes Anderson both for this and in general.

I think you mean women are the major purchasing demographic for the mommy wagon and safety is at the top of their reasons for purchasing a car. Jesusless we all know you took fresh-person feminism but you are supposed to knock that shit off when you graduate.

You mean Pacifica, a town and country is a punishment for being catholic.

Well there are two parts to unpack, the first being the contention that by the nature of their living situation brooklynites were uniquely suited to producing internet snark, which may or may not be related to intelligence.

Can I use this to convince the better 3/4 that a $2600 lense is an investment, and that she needs to stop stifling me creatively?

Is that because they have higher wages and thus the market prices the accordingly, expensive places have better access to education? Is there a threshold value where there are diminishing returns?

Yes and, motherfucker!

You vastly over estimate the talents of Brooklynites. A species that pays $2k for 100m2 flat can’t be that bright.

If that is not the new hood emblem they are doing everything wrong.

I do, Californians used about 75% as much petrol as a Tennesseean on a per capita basis. Foiled again!

Metric? You commie bastard, we didn’t kick jerry back across the Rhine to have your French units used to measure our shit. It is a standard shit ton and be thankful you don’t have to speak German.

Me thinks there is some confirmation bias