I posted this before but since it is my cat watching himself on youtube it seems perfect.
Welp, that's it. The internet has reached its peak. Unplug the tubes and pack 'em away. It's all downhill from here. Thanks for the good times, Burt.
I don't know if there's a way to handle it other than to know that it's normal to crave romantic intimacy. When you're feeling that way, don't feel bad, but maybe try to distract yourself with something that will make you feel personally fulfilled and maybe even a better partner when you're able to date, like learning…
Better than poop box.
Thanks. I actually landed a really sweet job, so everyone can suck it.
I'm a mathematician-in-training. Unfortunately, even today only about 30% of new Ph.D.s in mathematics in the US are women. The one oasis of equality I know of is the University of Nebraska, where it's close to 50/50. I have seen absolutely no difference between the ability of women and men to understand abstract…
Actually I bet you cats had AMAZING lives in the 1500s, unlike every other living thing in the 1500s. Think about how many rats there were for them to chase.
SO many rats.
I'm a rocket cat.
GAs!! Girls in Action. I did that in elementary school. I didn't realize it was supposed to be some kind of Christian alternative. I just thought it was a Bible group for girls. We went to camp every year, but we didn't really do anything else scout-y. We just met on Wednesday nights at church. AcTeens was for middle…
He's also against troll dolls and Cabbage Patch kids. They're satanic, apparently.
That is hilarious and I really want my boyfriend to do that now, aside from the minute thing. :P
You don't have to pay $1.99 for something that's totally easy to do for yourself for free. I wrote a bash script (running on a cron server on my desktop at my home) for my ex-girlfriend that would send her nice/silly/creative text messages at random times during daylight hours. I would periodically add to the list…
Yeah, but he only joins in after the Second Coming.
I'm so happy you were that person so that I didn't have to be. LET'S GO BE PEDANTIC TOGETHER IN A LOVELY LITTLE COTTAGE WITH WI-FI. :)
Oh man, I thought I was the only one who noticed....
Exactly - maybe a #corrections tag will help them read this & fix it?
I hate to be that annoying person, but HTTP is not actually a programming language; it is a networking protocol.