
My name is Stephenie, spelled with all Es. It KILLS me that THIS is the woman I share the spelling of my name with. I couldn’t get through the first paragraph of Twilight without bursting out laughing, looking at my sister and saying, “This is a joke, right?”

Elle Woods knows nothing.

I usually hate runway fashion, but I ... kind of love this? Hmm.

I think Kim is sincere. I think she’s at a fairly high risk of getting shot by a crazed fan/hater/Jonathan Cheban guy. She’s certainly way more at risk than all of us that didn’t have the audacity to profit from her own sex tape/body.

My main issue with this is that this is not about paying artists what they’re worth (for which I am very much in favor). This is about changing the nature and purpose of rights laws to better support large corporations in the changing landscape of the internet.

That’s not my point, she insinuated that there was no one else stepping up to do it so if she had ideas or thoughts about who else would be good for the roll why not speak up instead of pretending like she was doing everyone a service by “making it happen”

“Annoyed her way out of a career” is beautiful.

The spinach goes well with the tomato.

I realized after all her Rebel Heart nonsense that if social media had existed in the 80s, she would have annoyed her way out of a career.

How did you get this strip? Did you type in Archie+fuckboy+Mrs Grundy+cougar into google images

you win

Do they do that for music?!? Oh, that’s so pathetic my heart aches.

Yes, I feel all covered in slime having to agree with something that came out of Cruz’s mouth hole. #brokenclocks

Cruz launched into a terse response, ending with “If you lose, don’t cry about it, learn how to win an election!”

I would sooner fuck a wild bison than buy anything by Meghan Trainor.

I used to go there with friends who lived nearby. Great coffee, comfy places to sit, and they didn’t care how long we stayed so long as we occasionally bought stuff.

I’ve been to Birds so many times and I’ve never noticed a Hitchcock theme. It’s just a chicken rotisserie restaurant — isn’t it? Was I *that* unobservant [drunk]?

Me too! I lived just around the corner, on Tamarind, and that place had SUCH good coffee. I was pissed when they stopped selling the beans. Is it a bar now? I vaguely recall that they started selling beer or something after I moved out of Hollywood, but.

Along with Kara’s astute criticism above, there is also this: Zoe Saldana can’t act. I’m sure I’ll be taken to task by the teeming hordes of Zoe Saldana fans out there, but I think that there is enough objective evidence to support my opinion.

The first person they wanted was Mary J Blige. Mary J Blige can’t act. This tells me they just wanted a name, any name. Quality be damned.