IDK Edward Hermann will not be involved (RIP Richard). And upon a thorough Netflix re watching I decided that Rory and Lorelei were kind of assholes (although I would still totally hang out with them).
IDK Edward Hermann will not be involved (RIP Richard). And upon a thorough Netflix re watching I decided that Rory and Lorelei were kind of assholes (although I would still totally hang out with them).
Well, as a foreigner who is apparently about to break a Canadian law, I hope y’all vote that motherfucker out and the tide of racist dickhead conservatism born from post-9/11 xenophobia wanes.
duh, on important issues like Maple Syrup distribution and Moose Laws.
I sincerely hope you’re right. I feel like if I wake up tomorrow and Stephen Harper is still Prime Minister, I might just have to poison myself rather than deal with that for another 4-5 years.
It’s not going to be Harper. It can’t. There are so many more people (young people!) voting this time, and from the looks of it they all want him GONE.
The definition of optimism is planning an outdoor weddings in Canada.
I would absolutely order pizzas for a wedding. If I lived in a place with slightly more reliable weather (ie: not Canada) I’d just do it up in the backyard, no tent, order pizza and blast some music.
My dream reception is an open bar with a ton of cheese, fruit and charcuterie platters. I doubt anyone will miss the ubiquitous dry chicken breast and steamed vegetable medley.
I want to be happy but...I think he did her a favor. She will be presented as a martyr and celebrated for her bravery=more attention and popularity=exactly what she wants. If he wanted to do the right thing, he would have fined her until she started issuing marriage licenses. She doesn’t care that she is going to…
To paraphrase Ben Franklin, from the 1776 musical; “It’s only persecution in the third person, ‘their persecution’. It’s never persecution in the first person.”
I’m thinking like a shirt with open pockets, you stick your hand through, there’s a little side zipper or button flap. very discreet. you could even have a little inflatable air pocket so nothing rattles around too much. Or, more useful, you could fill it with booze like a camelbak and have a straw that you pull up…
OH MY GOD. A fake pregnant belly, emptied out of stuffing and filled back up with snacks! You are sucha genius. A VISIONARY.
brb, inventing a bra with false-fronted cups and thermal insulation. one cup for chips, one cup for cheez. #millionaire
I once sat next to a girl at the movies who produced, seemingly out of nowhere, a steaming hot bowl of French onion soup and proceeded to loudly slurp it for the first 15 minutes of the movie. It was the weirdest and most impressive damn thing I’ve ever seen in my life.
I, and many others, believe you. It was not your fault. I wish you the best, and all the help you need. If you need to talk more, the open thread on Saturday nights is usually chock full of kind and empathetic Jezzies.
What happened to you is horrible, and I’m very sorry. But this author telling her story is no more “one-sided” or biased against men than you telling your story is one-sided or biased against women.
I’ve taken to shipping my parents my “luggage” before a flight, it’s really just a medium sized box that my clothes and shoes go into then I pack a small carry on. They’re gonna charge me just as much, if not more, to take it with me on the plane and at least with FedEx I can track the package. I give it to a baggage…
I love Gilmore Girls but you have to be careful. It teaches you that you can eat like a pig and never exercise and remain slim, and that pretty boys will cater to your every whim. I have not found either to be so in real life ;)