Mat Buzz

Central California was the location of the train, but Vinci is absolutely a fictionalized version of Vernon (even used their water tower) mixed with Hawaiian Gardens and Bell - all three are old suburbs and industrial towns in East LA rampant with with corruption.

Whose head is getting lopped off when they remind Pearl of "her duty?"

As a white hetero dude, have my upvote. It's obtuse to ignore the subversive gender politics of the show, and I find it generally disheartening. The show very clearly presents gender based relationships, both heterosexual and homosexual in wonderful ways. Hell, it also does a wonderful job of showing how these sorts

Dang I just said it above but Brienne:Pearl::Rely:Rose

I also think that the encounter with Brianne and the reminder that he both began and ended his quest for the thrown with Kinslaying. It's a moment of realization about how far he's diverged from his righteous path.

I'm still guessing that they pull a Breaking Bad/Madmen and shoot a long Season 7 and then split it into two broadcast seasons.

I actually agree with your thoughts on this, however, I do think we need some more information in order to discern the 'why' of the situation, beyond using a character that the viewer is invested in gives far more heat to the eventual Ramsey comeuppance.

Is what Jeyne goes through any less awful? I'd say that it's far worse. Putting Sansa in a similar role adds impact to the situation, and adds more the Sansa's eventual comeuppance.

This is nothing compared to the Jeyne plot in the books. Nothing.

Not to be depressing 17 hours later, but this episode had me ruminating on my own mother's passing. The one thing you don't expect with cremation is the giant bag you're handed.

The problem is that the Riverlands are the boring fly-over territory of the world. They're the space between the action, constantly trampled on in the wars between more narratively compelling regions. Even the Riverlands chapter of of AWOIAF was a snooze fest.

That's the tinfoil isn't it? The Hightowers are the oldest of old money and have safely stayed out of Westerosi politics and may or may not be up to something with the folks at the Citadel, in some sort of Illuminati, magic killing, conspiracy way.

The toilet paper over at /r/asoiaf is particularly rough. Butts are frequently chaffed and generally sensitive.