

Diversity isn't the problem, tribalism is. It just so happens that right
now, white males have been marked as the designated outgroup that team
Rainbow Coalition is obliged to abuse. Most "progressives" are just
hypocritical bigots who think hating white males is a way to demonstrate
social virtue.

I sound like a racist I don't see how when I'm black
I just don't like the way she
is being portrayed .you
couldn't be more wrong
it's a clear signal you can't
Identify with black people
And no need for insults because you say these
things from a safe distance
so calm down with your nerd rage.

Probably a lie? Which Cracker Jack box did you get your PH.D. from to analyze me?

Allow me to elaborate on what is. stereotypical - A
belligerent Black woman with a high-pitched voice capable of instantly
annoying people. Example: she sounded like a Banshee The first thing I thought was a damn big black 1950 maid I will not ever watch it even on a overseas flight.

I'm black so I find it offensive

In the original Ghostbusters, the black character (played by Ernie
Hudson) embodied the every man. He was the voice of reason and
normality. His race was never part of the story. In the new all female
Ghostbusters, the black character (Leslie Jones) embodies each and every
negative stereotype usually attributed to

I just unlocked Bill Cosby

The karma on this show is crazy Jamie pushes Bran out the window and then Tomlin jumps
out the window.

And Slimer was Asexual because he slimed Everyone

I'M not sold on all women cast being Ghostbusters when women are scared of spiders

House of Lies is my show

Comcast is rip off they charge for movies and past seasons it should be all free if you pay
what they're charging each month. I'm team Netflix

Agreed if they don't want to do the sequel right don't f*ck with it Incredibles still hold
up as 1 of my favorite cartoon movies of all time

can't wait for Mr Robot

Damn might as well reboot Small Wonder and Mr Belvedere

Cassidy is my favorite character

Cersei is now the mad Queen