Uh, and is there the same amount of outrage over an “actual” rape of a mentally disabled boy by members of a high school football team?
Uh, and is there the same amount of outrage over an “actual” rape of a mentally disabled boy by members of a high school football team?
Why don’t they just circulate the real story of Dennis Hastert raping boys right here at home?
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote an incredible dissent to the majority finding of an illegal…
Again, SO WHAT? None of those places are Persia, or even near Persia. It is insulting and fucking nuts to attempt to figure out the logic of casting a European American as in important ancient Persian who was a REAL PERSON. But hey, anything to continue erasing everyone who isn’t of European descent, huh?
Well then, find a pale Persian TO PLAY A PALE PERSIAN, lol. Not a European American. I don’t understand why people are acting like this is so difficult.
Persians look many different ways. Some of them are very white-looking, and most, I’m sure, would identify as white in this country. DiCaprio is not Afghan or Iranian and doesn’t look it. Rumi was. People in these comments are doing somersaults to even say it would be racist TO CAST A PERSIAN AS A PERSIAN. What the…
Why is it such a problem to have people from the region the story is about playing people from that region? It’s insane. DiCaprio is not Afghan. He doesn’t look it. He is also not Western European. Easy way to get someone who likely looked like a man who had actual paintings made of him? Find someone of the same or…
So people who looked like real-life Rumi should get cast as terrorists, but never as the actual heroes of their culture? Pfft.
“he’s playing a character who’s similar to ganke lee”
A 13th century Persian, basically an Afghan, would not look like a European. There are many different ethnicities and cultures in that area and it is quite mixed, and still few of them look like doughy-faced DiCaprio types. But especially in the 13 century? Nah. Just Google Afghan people and look at them. They are not…
DiCaprio is terrible in everything. Full stop. However, he might be ok in the Johnny Depp biopic. I think he could really immerse himself in the role of entitled, overrated shitbird.
OK, probably the last thing you want is Genuine Advice, but if I could go back in time and tell my 27-year-old self this, I would, but I can’t, so this is the next-best thing. Get in decent cardiovascular shape. Stop eating garbage. Get a regular checkup from your doctor. Don’t assume you don’t have to worry about…
Our legends are dying. On Friday, June 3, we lost another—Muhammad Ali, a man who called himself The Greatest,…
Lest anyone too young to know might think the draft dodger angle is the biggest insult in this tweet, refusing to call him Ali, and instead insisting on calling him Clay was the racist dog whistle of choice back then. Racist whites refused to do so for years after.
Sure, pumpkin. Xenophobia is terrible. Period. No matter which angle it comes from. Most people can care about two injustices at once, sorry, if you can’t. You could always stop reading.
but now he has been thoroughly scarred and he just rants horrible fear-and-loathing poison because he had other people’s teeth and bone blasted into his face
I’m pretty sure he felt this way prior to the attack, given this interview he did about a month beforehand where he talks about supporting Trump, how Obama is “non-American born,” how “it’s sexist to talk women into killing their babies,” etc.—but surviving the attack seems to have emboldened him into either…
“Then I had this moment of panic because a puppy without a collar is a stray; they don’t have anyone to look after them. [...] It’s a sad thing to say, but there’s not love from the heart in me for Colin–but what I have got is someone who is there for me and I’m happy with that.”
This doesn’t sound super healthy? If…
Isn’t kinda disrespectful for a judge to address lawyers by their first names rather than Counselor? This is clearly not a friendly working relationship, so seems like a breach of ettiquette on his part. True, or nah?