
Are you dick-rubbing-against-the-clit/brown/taint shaming him?

Low-hanging fruit, but still not nearly as childish and offensive as the average tweet coming from the bankrupt conman sitting in the White House.

Mario becomes desperate.

It’s an edge case for sure, but damn if it didn’t come up.

just a less than 2 minutes thing with random google images without photoshop and a bad color key tool...

I too live in NYC. My apartment was so unorganized and small. So I built a to scale apartment in The Sims 4and arranged similar furniture in there to get an idea of what I can actually fit properly in my apartment. It was pretty fun and I saved some ideas for later on. Here are some pics!

One spring break we played D&D almost every day. It was great. 

All of Carpenter’s movies with Kurt Russell are unique & amazing. Big Trouble in Little China is a one of a kind masterpiece. Totally silly but totally thrilling, too.

If I had to choose my favorite Carpenter movie it would be ‘Escape From New York’. We’re coming up on the 40th anniversary of that movie (Jesus!) and I recently re-watched it. The synth soundtrack, Kurt Russell’s Snake Plisken, the vector graphics - it’s all brilliant. When filmmakers are trying to make something

suddenly it was time to go!

Don’t be such a Ctrl freak!

Is it really? The story of Her Interactive is strikingly similar to Telltale Games.

My wife has been in mourning for years at the loss of her bi-yearly Nancy Drew games. Occasionally she updates me with things like “Now they say it’ll be out in 2019" and “Now they say it’s taking longer because they are... making it a VR game?” and I just don’t have the heart to say those are the dying throes of a