Alas I'm not really my type.
Alas I'm not really my type.
My impression is that you're worrying way too much about things you don't need to worry about. If there's anything you need to worry about it's the insecurity caused by you worrying about a million things that probably don't matter. But please don't worry about that…
No quite. Amalgamated Dynamics did some make-up mock-ups/tests for Ridley Scott's (ultimately not produced) version.
The first two are names for guns. Aim Down Sights is what happens when you hit a button, an animation shows the gun moving up to your eyeline and you can fire while, um, aiming down the weapon's sight. UT is Unreal Tournament; a fast game that encourages players to jump around and constantly be on the move to avoid…
I hope you can back up that sanctimonious attitude by opining on the merits of some combination of The Interrupters, Five Broken Cameras, How to Survive a Plague and Taxi to the Darkside. I also hope you've never seen or enjoyed or found any value whatsoever in a frivolous film (narrative or documentary) in your life.
You're on the AVClub. It's all nerd shit, all the time.
The real world redesign makes the snitch important but not nearly as important as it is in the books - everyone on the field matters. Also I think the only reason why real world quidditch seems odd is that it comes from a book and the players insist on running around with brooms. Otherwise it's just yet another sport…
Keep in mind that she's graduating at the end of the week so it's not that risky. Having said that I think things are more likely to work out for her if she follows @J.P.McPickleshitter's advice.
I'm guessing you're a recent school/uni grad who just hit the "what the fuck do I do now" stage. If so I suggest doing anything that seems interesting and trying something else if it doesn't work out. If nothing seems interesting then talk it over with career counsellors, friends and family. If you're still stuck then…
They don't even need to hire a female mocap artist or do any unique female animations at all if Dark Souls is anything to go by.(I mean it would be nice if they put some time and money and effort into it but I'll take what I can get.)
VATS is pretty dodgy. There are a couple of instances where it's better to shoot other parts of the body: It's worth disarming enemies carrying gatling lasers, crippling the wings of cazadores and crippling the legs of those super giant mutie things.
No, it's about as meaningful as astrology or a "What Buffy character are you?" buzzfeed quiz (I'm Willow by the way).
How does your game use next gen technology to give players the power fantasy they demand, avoid ludo-narrative dissonance and encourage full immersion in the unique world and revolutionary gameplay of your IP while providing hours of replay value?
DAI has an ambiguously gendered protagonist on its box and Shadowrun Returns used a gas mask wearing woman as its main promotional image. (But yes, they're few and far between.)
It's a great question although I'd be surprised if many of their mothers had played their games so you might get better responses with, "If your mother played your game…"
I spent a lot of time thinking about how to phrase this question and didn't really come up with a good solution but here goes:
Never preorder. *hides receipt for DA:I*
Pretty sure it was Iron Island.
I'd be prepared in case it's not. (I mean there's no reason as to why it won't be fun but I wouldn't be setting unrealistic expectations.)