
Ummmm, no. Raise your standards for what is internet worthy from a pro athlete.

He kicked it back to him intentionally, but didn't complete the juggle, and partially because he was losing control already.

This was edited to make it look like something was accomplished, and people are impressed a pro athlete kicked a ball 4 times in a row? TO HIMSELF??!!

Because all of the other diplomas he's ever earned were earned doing the exact same course work as the rest of the people getting those diplomas.


How has nobody pointed out that's little Drew Magary?

Vick went to jail for 18 months and went bankrupt. Cooper issued an apology and goes to "sensitivity training".

They're not juggling a baseball TOGETHER, Ronaldo juggles it, throws it to him, he juggles it himself, we don't see if Ronaldo continues it. They're juggling individually.

Sorry, most athletes of any kind could do that if they've ever played soccer before. Not impressive thanks to Ronaldo throwing it to him instead of kicking it to him and it cutting off before we see if Ronaldo continued the juggle when Puig kicked it to him.

Am I the only one that can't read PAC-12 without thinking Pac-MAN and getting the intro music stuck in my head followed by the chomping of pellets?

If you're dumb enough to call a guy a racial slur in a hateful manner in public in 2013, you have lost your privilege to be on an NFL roster in my opinion.

Riley Cooper should never play another down in the NFL for his racism yesterday, yet this country is hosting the Olympics?

If some trades fall through in this city, but nobody's around to hear it (because the team is not elite anymore)......

Or his QBs brother.....

Scariest thing Marcus could hear from his brother?

Question of the day.....

Hockey hair avoids pony tails too, he'd get his ass kicked just for that

Yes they do, every single year they all flock to one of 5-10 super clubs. Nasri didn't want to goto Man City for any reason except they were building a juggernaut of assets, RVP wanted to goto Man U to play with the best every single year, Bale wants to be guaranteed to have the best around him, Spurs can't do that, .

Good thing there's no black people on his team.

Can you be matched against people who have a low mute percentage?