
You get to go home from jobs. That's the definition of a job, something you do for money/career advancement then you go home.

It's the toughest job in the world..... if you're bad at it.

It was the greatest sports game up until this year for the past 5 years, had a couple issues with auto-goals through the years, a curving wrist shot, wrap arounds, etc. but all sports games have some kind of issues.

Wow, so many things horrible about this article, this type of stuff is why people don't like feminists.

At least we know he didn't write the note himself.

Native American AND Jewish?

Other places he doesn't have to act like he's been there before, because he hasn't.

I just want a variety of goals to be scored, I want to win 5-4 with breakaways, one timers, wrist shots, deflections, all of them.

Slapshots from the point/deflections were a better way of scoring goals than one timers, breakaways, any other way of scoring.

8 direction movement FTMFW

Hated NHL 13, returned it after 2 days after owning the prior 5 and play 500+ games each year.

Worms Revolution along with the other versions went on sale for Xbox Live a few weeks ago, picked it up for the first time since the 90's.

Back left guy on the stretcher? Pretty sure that's the soccer magic spray in a can for injuries.

Instead of passing the torch, Kobe set fire to the next couple seasons with it.

Knee's supposed to look like this ||

And the family has hit.....

Don't play a game that has it's roots in the dark days of gaming. People and studios do care about it, it's actually a huge issue that you can help to support why give up?

So, if you have a kid, isn't every boner now a Dadboner?

RE: Watching sports

Only non-creepy way this could play out