
While I agree the Coyotes overall have been a failure in Phoenix, without them we wouldn’t have Auston Matthews... Maybe it will start to snowball into a successful franchise? Especially if they get a new arena in a better locale?

He also looks like the type of guy who needs to get out more and see the world...which requires booking a plane ticket for most destinations.

It’s absolutely fucked the hypocrisy with all the people who would echo what you just said, but whine about Crosby’s dirty plays even though he’s 5x the player Kesler is and he’s half as dirty.

I’m pretty sure that’s the plumber that came to fix my garburator yesterday...

As a Canadian, I don’t support it partially for this reason. The Canadian team is fucking brutal and it would be embarrassing.

Watch the chemical compound that causes the smell be the cure to cancer or something...

If I piss ten seconds after eating a single asparagus, it already wreaks.

You should go to Thailand and try the real Red Bull. It’s like syrup and comes in a tiny bottle. I love it, but if you want to push a heart attack, that’s the stuff to do it.

They shoulda just told The Rock to slim down...

He’s sounds like he’s talking with cheeks full of saliva, it makes him even more painful to listen to.

I always prefer a rolly bag if possible. I’ve traveled extensively and it’s rare I have a situation that I have to take my bag very far. Rolly bags are easier to keep organized than backpacks and they fit in the overhead compartment (I’m comparing it with the larger backpacker style backpacks).

There’s a good doc on Netflix about this. I think it’s called “Beyond the Edge”.

You can literally pull the orange tip off in 1 second or you can paint it black. This appears to be a suicide IMO, so I don’t think it’s an unlikely thing for this kid to have done.

This is the exact reason I think the NBA is stupid right now. There’s two teams - then everyone else. What’s the point of any of the other teams even playing if it’s all cosmetic? It’s sad to see that the best potential, for a good player on a good team, is to just become a local hero never able to win or even make

I’ve been saying this too - that McDavid and Draisaitl are the next Crosby/Malkin. Or, maybe the next Gretzky/Kurri given that they’re on the Oilers, but I think that’s a bit too much of a stretch.

That’s not an unrealistic idea. A lot of NHL players have sponsorship by one company, but use the gear of another company they like better and just have it repainted (in the case of sticks).

I think it was NHL 98 I played on Sega that showed pictures and locations of the arena of the team you chose during loading. I thought Kanata was a misspelling of Canada so I wrote a letter to my Dad’s friend who worked for EA Sports to tell him the mistake, then I cried when he wrote back (nicely) explaining why I

The best name of all time still has to be Wacey Rabbit.

Ya, fuck, my parents aren’t ultra-rich, but they have more than enough expendable income to afford this. Plus they travel a ton and complain bitterly about security, check-in, etc. They’d pay for this service in a heartbeat if it was available here.

I’m embarrassed to admit I watch TMZ sometimes. I was surprised to see that they’re always at the airport, in the general arrivals area, interviewing celebs all the time. I always assumed there was some sort of celebrity arrival area so they wouldn’t be bothered by paparazzi or by Joe Doofus asking for an autograph