Ive done this way back in the 90's. Beat the game with one bullet. I even had a record in Mario kart on Mario speedway until someone discovered the jump over the wall shortcut.
Ive done this way back in the 90's. Beat the game with one bullet. I even had a record in Mario kart on Mario speedway until someone discovered the jump over the wall shortcut.
Me and my bro been taking shifts for past 3 days now covering for the poor guy, we have same exact outfits and we stand by podium and take out unsuspecting players coming in and out of the Casino. Been lots of fun. Never was a griefer until Casino came out posing as a valet guy and killing players is lots of fun.
Lol Professionals. Needed a position player to get the win.
That just charges it faster
So easy to make money with this I’m winning over a mil per hour gambling. Almost as good as Bogdan problem.
This is no different than the 1000's of Android game apps that have pool, poker, and other games with in-app purchases to buy coins that you bet with other players to try and win more coins.
If you don't like what you won close session or disconnect internet and reload the game and u get another free spin. Rinse and repeat until u get the car.
1.5 mil for basic penthouse not 1 mil. I won huge on Horse Race Bets it gives you best odds of winning big as well. I won 5 times today betting 10k on number 6 horse. Got the car on first spin but you can’t sell it. If you try to sell the car it says you can’t sell cars above $50,000 even if you do upgrades you still…
Just tell the county to suck a nut
Leta do Altoids can next
Shenmue 1 and 2 been on game pass over a month now, you guys just now seeing them?
You can turn off phone calls in settings
Fuck yeah I have a Canadian penny I can use for this.
Even if it gets removed or delisted you can always redownload your purchases on PS4. For example NCAA football 2014 is no longer for sale on PS3 but since I purchased it I can still download it.
Or pick up a nice pair of wired Sony earbuds that sound 100 times better than the icrap garbage. Return the crappy apple airpods for a refund and use that money towards a new imac or something else.
Wont get potholes if it stays dry. Dirt washed from rain beneath is what causes potholes and pipe leaks.
As a kid we grew up with a 67 barricuda it was fun that us six kids would be stuffed in the back seat of a 2 door Barricuda. I suggest a Ford mustang, they very easy to work on and stock parts are practically free as everyone upgrades thiers.
Its even harder when your new Samsung smart TV doesn't have a gaming mode so input lag is like 200-300ms.
This explains why the daily missions suddenly got harder. I thought maybe I was getting suckier and my gun was getting suckier. Since update the daily missions been taking twice as long.
Game should be landscape mode not portrait mode. I'm gonna have to hack the APK file and change to landscape in the Android manifest.