Master Griff

Wow what an idiot there is a lever on the floor you pull up to open the door. I do Auto lockouts for a living and we all the time unlock these with dead batteries, just put the big easy through the window and pull the lever up and Bam door unlocked, now we pop the hood and give them a jump start.

Yup he has to report by week 10 for it to be a season 

Guy is greedy he's already making 14 million this season. I'd be happy to play for free. He's way overrated and only looks good because Steelers have a good offensive line. I hope the backup guy rips up 200+ yards rushing and then people will be like Leveon who?

Amazon has a lot of counterfiet SD cards and solid state drives so buyer beware. I only trust Newegg or Best buy for my PC components.

Amazon has a lot of counterfiet SD cards and solid state drives so buyer beware. I only trust Newegg or Best buy for

I use raw copy tools to clone my hard drives.

Fuck that my dogs will end of chewing it up.