
First of all, acting like running one of the 2 most valuable franchises in the NBA isn’t an awesome opportunity is completely asinine. Second of all, what exactly have those 2 done to earn anything, aside from being brn to a rich and successful father? Nothing. Riding on coattails.

Don’t be stupid. You may as well have typed “I don’t actually understand or know anything about basketball.”

....wut? The Rockets roster is so much better than the Thunder’s that anybody who suggests otherwise can’t even be taken seriously. Do you know why he doesn’t give up the ball in crunch time? BECAUSE HIS TEAM SUCKS. They have no other offensive weapons (aside from Kanter in the post, who is hurt). Oladipo isn’t very

If somebody argues that the best player in the world, who is averaging  career highs in rebounds and assists, should be in the mvp race, they should be fired? hmmm... okay, then.

Doesn’t make his team better? Have you.... have you seen their roster? That team is nowhere even remotely close to playoff contention without him.

no. no, it’s just you. they were all straight up.

I’m not sure how you can consider someone who is universally regarded as one of the 5 best players in the game and a potential mvp candidate underrated. but, okay....

“I’m going to keep talking about how I don’t read or watch interviews with these guys, but here, let me quote yet another interview that I read and/or watched. Also, I’m an even more obnoxious dipshit than I seemed a few comments ago, and secretly all of my friends probably hate me.”

“I don’t read anything or watch interviews with these guys, but I’m going to keep referencing this one interview that I obviously read and/or watched. also, I’m an obnoxious dipshit.”

jesus, you are just the absolute worst. Insufferable...

you seem to be forgetting Barnes and Speights, for whatever that’s worth.

you seem fun.

Because there is no fucking analysis in what he said, dipshit. That’s the entire fucking point. Everything he said is not only completely inaccurate and based upon a total ignorance of what is actually going on in the play, but it’s also based on completely outdated cliches of those players. There is literally nothing

There is an option to see all the comments, doofus. There is a giant button above the comments that says “Show pending replies,” and it does exactly what you’re asking for. Learn how to use the internet.

Yes, I’m ridiculous. not the person whow is deeply offended by seeing a video that literally just shows somebody falling down, like players do on dozens of plays in every single game of soccer, or like they do on literally every single play in football.

What contradicts it is you saying that you can find fault with those plays,when nobody with any idea if whats going on actually can. The play was clearly drawn up for Kyrie to play iso, and to shoot it. As I said, they didn’t even have anyody set up for him to pass to as an outlet, so they obviously told him/wanted

if you’re playing it for the combat, then you’re playing the wrong game. And the story is one of the most unique I’ve come across, so your complaints about its predictability ring hollow.

Hope they get it fixed so more people can enjoy this game. It’s wonderful. Between this, Zelda, Horizon, and Hollow Knight (which is amazing), I feel like I’m in gaming heaven. I’ve been playing games since the atari days, and don’t remember ever having this many amazing games to play at once.

Twilight Princess was just as cartoony as this, you idiotic buffoon.

Worst comment of the day.