
I always get this one, who is rumored to be the child of pro wrestling star Stan Lane which is just delightful, with MTG who is the crossfitting one (and really makes me feel so bad for people like Dani Speegle and Mat Fraser who don’t deserve to be associated with that kind of nonsense.) Anyway, fine people of the

Lots of weight gain, and a corresponding cratering of confidence. 

lack of confidence. And I’m surprised people are being human on here, too. It’s nice. 

And the best Flash, the co-anchor of the first true TV-show superhero multiverse, is leaving. Grant Gustin is the best Flash ever, and I am torn between wanting him to play the character permanently and letting him move on to other things. The point is: Fuck Ezra Miller. 

I’m speaking as a cis white man who has been on zero dates since 9\11\2001, and it has not been for lack of trying. So, I am the man this article speaks of and let me say this: This, this whole article, is what happens when one gender thinks they know what the other really wants. You don’t know. You CAN’T know. It

Ok. I’m more likely to hit myself than hit a woman. But ok.

I felt like it.

I had my words twisted to say something i didn’t say. Would that not make you angry? I spent 30+ years of my life terrified of being angry in public. I’m still terrified of being angry in public. So forgive me if, online where no one’s going to hit all of my fears about what would happen if I actually did lose my

Thank you for scare quoting the 1st half of my sentence. I hate people who don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom. Does that mean I hate all women then too?

Fair. I missed that part of the video.

Can we stop making funny ha-ha misandry a thing? Like, i get it’s funny but A: it leads to a certain strain of men hating feminism which is never good. B: And also leads some men (myself included) to withdraw from romantic life completely out of fear of somehow being discovered to have sexual desires for a woman.

Nice to see you too. Who would you want me to cite?

I am loath to be the person to do this on here, but fuck it. let me anyway. Are you sure you guys actually know what you’re talking about?

I love to hear this.


Good lord. Imagine supporting people like this.

oh g0d, as a fat person who is terrified of being attractive enough, this is my absolute fucking nightmare. Please god no.

Imagine, in quiet moments when no one is around, what it must feel like to be HRC. Through a heady combination of sexism of some of the electorate, tone deafness to the real problems of some of that same electorate, and a deep mistrust of her personally, she couldn’t beat a white supremacist who hid it with the same

Wait. Do they have the cool mariachi outfits? If so, I’m in. Also, keep them off the subway.

he’s been convicted of rape. let his career be over.