
do ho ho ho ho ho ho

Not on fucking craigslist.

Ya know... the more he seems to do these... the weaker it seems to get.

*restarts the game for umpteenth time playing classic / ironman*



Definitely not this guy....

Most of the game is gorgeously detailed... but the level design is horrid. The story goes all over the place and is a mess... but the third act is borderline brilliant. The characters are all over the map... but the collectibles are kind of fun. The gun/gameplay is tedious and makes me pull my hair out... but it's

I think these are mostly just the gamers that you see the most of, because they're the ones who take to the message boards to complain. Content gamers are quiet.

I really wish Remember Me got more's a great game. The combat gets pretty repetitive after awhile but everything else about it really stands out and above. The location is great, the art style and design really bring Neo-Paris to life and the story ends up turning into something great.

Mitchell from Galaxy Quest. Pedal to the metal!

i suspect that is the point. an intentional misdirection.


Pedal to the metal!

Happy Thanksgiving to you too.

All the guys in my family set up our old laptops with quake on them and have massive quake lan games. And by quake I mean quake 2.

This article is bullshit. You are a member of the PC Master Race. You don't need to defend yourself from anyone, especially the console peons. You are right, you are good, you are perfect. Those that disagree (console vermin) merely demonstrate how unaware they are of their own inferiority. Ignore them like the worms

How much are they? What's the address? I want to get there early to beat the crowd. I've always wanted a family

[Han answers the intercom after deleting the game]