Massa of Reality

It says brandishing right there in the article’s title

BB guns are not “toys” and it is sad that the majority of the supposedly “highly educated” (naive) Jezebel liberal commenters are too naive to realize this. BB guns can AND DO kill people, as noted by another commenter with links to articles about different people KILLED BY BB GUNS.

BB guns are real guns that can and do kill people, as noted several times by another commenter with links to news articles.

BB guns are not “toy guns”, dumbass white-guilter. They can and do kill people. Dispute me, go ahead, so I can make you look even more fucking stupid than you already do.

Yes there is. BB guns are real weapons that can and do kill people.
Please dispute me so I can make you look really stupid!

He’s Indian, what do you expect?

Indians are almost even worse than Africans when it comes to rape.

BB guns are not props, they are dangerous weapons that can and do kill people, as noted with links to many different news articles in several other comments on this page.


What’s so awesome about blacks? I bet you live nowhere near large numbers of them.

“Ohio is an open carry state.”
Which has absolutely jack shit to do with this situation of a 13-year-old dumbass pulling a gun on the cops.

So obviously YOU are unfit to be a police officer. THANKS!

dumb fuck

“shoot someone in the leg if you need to take them down.”
Thanks for proving that you’ve never fired a gun in your life.

“Remember the Bundy ranch standoff? Or the apprehension of Dylann Roof?”

1. The Bundys and their supporters had a positional tactical advantage, as well as better weapons, than the cops did.

white guilt makes you stupid

white guilt makes you stupid

BB guns can AND DO kill people, dumb fuck.

“write to Mr. Holder”
Eric Holder is not the Attorney General anymore, dumbass.

“That this was a black kid is telling”
I know! Why do blacks commit so much crime?