
I just want to point out I am devastated by this.

Ostriches are assholes. I'm glad he's harassing them.

Cute.. Now remind me again why cows are food and dogs are not? Shouldn't we just go ahead and fire up the grill for Milkshake.. After all she is only a dumb cow....

So...a woman finds pregnancy to be a positive experience and has waived the surrogacy fee to give three children to families that want to adopt, and we're going ewwww?

So despite the 100s of excessive drinking game apps with no age restriction, the chat up line apps that serve no purpose than to fuel future douche-baggery... THIS GETS DENIED?

I'm so sorry- I didn't see this until today! My story: I didn't dance as a young girl/teenager (barring one terrible experience at age 4 at the Y). I tried ballet in college, but it meant driving into town to another school so it didn't last long. I put my daughter into ballet at 3 simply so she did something away

Translation: hanging out with the anti-vaxxers is starting to cost me money.

The Supreme Court ruled today that men convicted of "minor" domestic violence crimes can be barred from owning or possessing guns. This is kind of bare minimum stuff, but after yesterday's birth control bloodbath, we'll take what we can get.

Feel intellectually superior?


But shit like this perpetuates unscientific thinking and holds us back. It's kind of funny that usually the people I see talking and doing things like this are usually the first to attack things like organized religion. They are functionally equivalent.

I was wondering if I was the only one who found this completely lacking in charm. If a three-year-old talked over me trying to mansplain something would learn some hard lessons. That child is going to be completely unbearable in ten years.

It also means instead of rolling over in the middle of the night grabbing baby and inserting breast, you have to get and make a bottle, then grab baby and insert bottle.

OMG. I needed this post like nobody's business. But I am totally disappointed. I came here prepared to THROW DOWN, disparaging your Philly-ruined-by-cheese-Whiz tastebuds and the Momma who created them for you.

By and larch you're probably right.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say you have issues.

If you're trying to turn this into one of those stupid pun threads, you're barking up the wrong tree.

You sound like you're arbor-ing some deeper issues.

Before you go in to buy one you should spruce up your appearance. Something tells me they don't sell these things to any ol' Tom, Dick or Jane.

Nice pun ;-)

Seriously, she's so wrong it's mindboggling. My dad and I talk about this all the time - at my skinniest, I was quite unhealthy, it was mostly poor eating habits. Right now I am at my heaviest, but I eat well and just ran a goddamn marathon after training only a month and a half. Do I look fit or muscular? No, that's