Mystery Twin

Biden isn’t really Biden, didn’t you know? He’s actually Hugo Chavez in a mask - his ‘death’ in 2013 was just part of his long-running plan to be installed as the Leader chief executive of his hated foe!

The degree to which the right obviously planned to run against Sanders and are just trying to go ahead and run the anti-Bernie campaign they’ve always really wanted to run anyway is both blatant and fucking hilarious. 

If I’m reading this article correctly, the context of the conversation was that black rappers don’t marry black women. When someone provided a list of rappers who married black women, Moody responded with “Yeah, but they’re all light-skinned.” To me, that implies that they count less. That they have an asterisk.

I’ll give the author the benefit of the doubt that it was just a bad joke, but that’s a pretty viciously misleading headline. As read it’s basically accusing this person/family of racism.

Very confused as to why we are poking fun of parents protecting a minor child (and...making fun of that minor child) who has been experiencing death threats. Do not understand why the journalist or the editor thought this was remotely ethical.

There’s a lot going on right now with the police and, I suppose, influencers that warrants outrage. This isn’t one of them. Her family is paying police for extra staffing against a scary stalker. I can’t criticize either the influencer or the police in this particularly situation. The click-bait headline (“funds”),

I think he was referring what he was told (not told) about Israel during his formative years, or at least that’s the impression I got from reading the article. Doesn’t seem disingenuous or stupid to me to believe what you learn from your parents and religious community as a child, and everyone has a different

You know how ridiculous Trump defenders sound when they dig in their heels against all evidence?

You know that it is perfectly fine to breathe through a mask and it will help people not die.

I don’t disagree that class is an issue. I don’t disagree that there are no perfect victims. I don’t even disagree that she has lived a hard and sad life.

Why are we shitbags if we do not believe her? There is a A LOT of things that make everything she said doubtful at best.

You’re allowed to bring up Biden’s fault. But it’s also disingenuous for you to pretend like you’re bringing these faults up because you simply want to highlight their less than stellar responses. You don’t like Biden. You don’t see him as a strong candidate. We see that, we get it from the way you cover Biden. And

The youths have described him as Pete Davidson after a spa facial.

where the prepper message loses me is in the extreme wealth required to achieve what appears to be the final goal of preparedness

Man, Stephen McKinley Henderson is showing up in everything these days: DEVS, Run, Dune.

I think a majority of people, not all, just found it stupid and easy to make fun of. There’s always people outraged and it’s easy to find a few tweets that are “outraged” to pretend everyone was. Because some places *eh hem* love to spin the most scandalous take for clickbait purposes. 

Except it wasn’t a mess from start to finish. It has issues, but it’s a good film overall.

I know it’s a stupid show and I’m not proud that I finally caved and watched it, but what about the will where it says “in the case of death or disappearance”? That lawyer with the bad tie said he’d never seen that in 30-plus years of being an attorney. You don’t find that odd, or that it was changed to say that by

Kiddy table is down the street. Everyone here in the adult discussion doesn't need explaining how this doesn't apply to necessary workers. Obviously. 

This just reinforces my belief that you should never trust guys who do rigging and scuba work for avant garde french Canadian circuses.