Mystery Twin

I’m taking a chance here by pulling you out of the greys, but I wanted to make a few points in response. The first is that I agree that people who aren’t lesbian shouldn’t be having this sort of discussion without us, and that there is definitely a specific strain of homophobia and misogyny that’s more toxic than the

Again, as I said, I was far from the blog’s biggest defender. Its direction was MUCH better under the leadership of Dodai (essentially when it was progressive, before it became Leftist under Aleks). Also, it should never be forgotten as others have pointed out that it kind of took the work of those who first made it

Holly only won because they refused to accept my webcam live feed for the contest.

Nicotine itself doesn’t cause cancer, it’s not even listed as possibly carcinogenic. It, at worst, has negligible health effects (and even some positives when it comes to Parkinson and alzheimer’s). It’s all the other shit in traditional cigarettes that can cause cancer. The other shit in vape juice is unknown if it

He was also in power during a vastly different time in world history, when trust in institutions was significantly higher, the Internet had much less reach and influence, and jingoism was broadly popular in America


She...isn’t really an influencer. She has done actual work raising money and pushing for progressive causes, particularly around body positivity and negative stigma.

Actually could be a lot worse, could be like the deep south which regularly features amongst the last 50 states by every single measure including lifespan, education, income...

I never once said I was unable. I am simply unwilling to bother explaining it to someone who clearly doesn’t care, to someone who isn’t having a conversation in good faith. That’s the difference. But that’s probably a little over your head, too.

I’m glad it was a good apology. “I’m sorry that what I did made you feel hurt” instead of “I’m sorry *if* you misinterpreted” or whatever.

I like Ellen, she’s a good person that had the bad luck of attending the same game as a former doofus president that made a Guinness record of bad policy decisions. Next time, don’t go if Shrub is in attendance. Easy Peasy.

Comments gon’ be lit.

I dunno, I still think George W. was a patsy. He’s just kind of a dumb man, and he was put in a position to be taken advantage of by much smarter, genuinely evil people. I don’t really know how culpable that makes him to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the various associated war crimes, but I can at least kind of

They most certainly have that right.

You can simply be indifferent and accept this as more faux outrage about anything with even the slightest perception of being “anti-Bernie”.

You are missing nothing. And you don’t have to be respectful about it, either. You also shouldn’t be a dick about it. You can simply be indifferent and accept this as more faux outrage about anything with even the slightest perception of being “anti-Bernie”.

I don’t understand the outrage.