Mystery Twin

Yeah, having to fiddle with the switch a dozen times because you only want it open an inch or two, but the damn auto opener keeps trying to open it entirely or shut it entirely and you have to try and jab it just at the right time for the amount of open you want. Better to have to hold it down, so you have better

Hoo Boy. The Boomer Signal is flashing above gotham. Get ready to be (at best) sea lioned to death by a legion of Doo-wop loving, hippie to yuppie without hitching a step latent racist #NotAllBoomers.

He will almost definitely be impeached. It remains unlikely he’ll be removed by the Senate.

And I yours.

mid-November jack-o-lantern on the trash pile

And?...Do you have a point you would care to elucidate?

I don’t speak ‘stupid motherfucker’ so I had to run it through google translate. All it gave me back was:

Hey everybody - look at this stupid asshole right here!

Shut up, tomato.

Samantha and Katherine are both just gunning for the position of “Worst Splinter Writer” now that Libby has left. Which is interesting because at the same time HamNo seems to be trying to get away from the title which was forced upon him by her departure with some actually decent writing.


“There’s nothing crazy going on or anything...”

Shut up, tomato.

I have a very important question Mister Miller, and many people are asking the same question.   Do you put down fresh Transylvanian soil in your coffin every night, or do you wait for laundry day to change your bedding?

There are a lot of assumptions in there and the chance of all of those assumptions being correct is relatively low.

No she refers to it as “Staying in the will.”

Ah yes, the people still mad at him for saying that there was a 0% chance Trump would win and 100% chance Hillary would win that there was a 1 i n 3 chance Trump would win and they don’t understand how odds work and consider that some sort of failure.

There are still people here who think he got the 2016 election wrong. Writing is useless for getting things across to those who won’t read.