Mystery Twin

I’d be happiest with “First attempts seldom work out” as our country’s epitaph. 

Methought the Huffman letter was pretty decent. She mea culpas several times, states abundantly clear that her choices are not excusable, notes the shame she feels is “something I will carry for the rest of my life as motivator for better choices,” etc.

Hillary Clinton could literally send out a tweet that says, “you know what’s nice? A cold slice of pizza first thing in the morning” and there would be 8,000 insufferable think pieces with a comments section that makes me want to throw myself into a volcano. 

This sounds good in theory, but polls don’t support it. The second choice of most Sanders supporters is Biden and the second choice of most Warren supporters is Harris.

Great questions, TehMoose, aka John Dunleavy in Duluth.

I know we all like to make fun of Marianne Williamson, but she’s the only candidate who is serious about finding the Chaos Emeralds.

Holy shit at all the morons in the comments losing their minds at Democrats, of all people.

Lol, never change you pathetic fucking turd. 

They weren’t at home, they were attending to other government business. When an institution operates on norms for decades if not centuries to see that overturned by crass opportunism should come as a shock. That the Republicans are so callow that it is no longer a shock is besides the point.

Shut the fuck up, tomato.

I think you missed the point.

Shut up, tomato.

So let me get this straight..

Shut up, Tomato.

Uh, Donnie? Your face there, dude: you missed some spots.

Yeah, because an election held on an odd-ass date is bound to draw a smaller turnout than a midterm or Presidential election. nothing new.

As a former NC resident, I say that you have no idea what you’re talking about. Texas is a better playing field for Dems than fucking backward ass North Cackalaky, where I personally know BLACK WOMEN that voted for Trump.

I hooked up with Interglueteal Cleft on Grindr once. He was a bit of an ass.

LOL You created a burner just to snipe about a single seat on an airline flight that would have made the trip with or without her.