Mystery Twin

Shut the fuck up, Tomato.

People actually do say “Hispanic” in New Mexico a lot. We have a lot of people here who are primarily of Spanish descent, having mixed very little or not at all with the local Native peoples. Their families have been here for hundreds of years, and they’re very proud and defensive of that heritage. They sometimes

I give it about 24 hours before that guy is getting perp-walked out of the building with a cardboard box, unfortunately.

Does anyone that likes Bernie dislike Warren?

Because he cares very much about Caribbean islands filled with brown people as long as they *are* part of the United States, right?

Well yeah, the men’s clothing section of almost anywhere is a wasteland, because most department stores suck and have been selling more or less the same awful, sleep-inducing merchandise for the last 20 years. What you need is an actual clothing store, not some decaying big-box that happens to sell clothes. You can’t

On first viewing, I actually didn’t think the end result looked THAT bad either... it’s basically the same kind of “super dank bro!” shit that Epic Meal Time got famous for back in the day. That said... the guy who actually made this thing up there said that he expected it to be good in a nasty way too, but it

I think your mistake was using coconut milk (the kind that comes in a carton, I’m guessing?). Try some full-fat Oatly, if you haven’t already, because it goes much better with either cereal or muesli. With muesli, I find you do have to let it soak for a bit longer before eating it—don’t worry, it won’t get soggy as

That is so ridiculous and terrible. Ketamine is on the WHO’s Model List of Essential Medicines, the safest and most effective drugs necessary for a functioning healthcare system. Wikipedia says the cost of the drug in the developing world is between $0.84 and $3.22 per vial, and given its potency, a vial goes a long

Yeah, it does sort of baffle me why they don’t just approve Ketamine for treatment of depression. It’s already FDA-approved for anesthetic purposes, but lots of doctors are naturally hesitant to prescribe things off-label, so its promising antidepressant properties have seen limited use. I know very little about

Ketamine (and its nearly-identical new variant, esketamine) is most definitely *not* a “stimulant”... it is a widely-used and generally well-tolerated anesthetic, often referred to erroneously as a “horse tranquilizer”. It also happens to have dissociative hallucinogenic (at high doses) and antidepressant properties.

Yes, the millions of Democratic voters in red states (many of them poor people of color) definitely deserve to be punished because they’ve been outnumbered, outflanked and gerrymandered/voter-suppressed out of power by Republican goons. That certainly seems fair and just, don’t you think?

Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. Trump talks a lot of shit about his “accomplishments” because of course he does, but the only positive thing 55+% of the population can say about him is “hey, at least the economy’s doing good!” Tens of millions of politically-unengaged, ill-informed people see him primarily through this

I was in a Sam’s Club in Albuquerque yesterday, and just as I found myself thinking of the shooting again, I witnessed some big white guy stroll casually through the middle of the packed snack-bar dining area while open-carrying a 1911 on his hip. El Paso is only 3 1/2 hours to the south of us, and the people eating

Say it with me, ya’ll:

we should expect to be accountable when we make mistakes

My girlfriend is allergic to cats, and also does not like them at all. Otherwise, I might!

Well, the trouble is that you can’t just dump them anywhere near your house. They’ll find their way back inside if you do, so you generally need to deposit them a mile or more away to avoid that. I do have a small no-kill trap that I’ve used before, but it comes with its own drawbacks—namely, the copious amounts of

It’s mice for me, without a doubt. I’ve never actually encountered a rat, but I assume they’re even worse. I can only speak from my own experience living in a semi-rural setting in New Mexico: I haven’t seen a single cockroach since we moved into our current place a year ago, but new breeding pairs of mice seem to

Yes, yes, but what about khaki-colored chinos? For example, these?