
You realize the Galaxy Nexus is "retina" too, Apple said the magic number was just over 300dpi

Its not that they dont have them, its that its not the only thing they have ;)

the picture says it all

Thank god some people are still sane... I, personally, prefer Windows Phone and I want an iPad, this so called "revolutionary" product is not worth its price, I would much rather wait to see what happens with Windows 8, considering it looks really good for tablets

Its just because Apple says you need it and its magical and revolutionary

ASUS... they did have the first Tegra 3 in a tablet, HTC and LG made a 3D phone, The LG G2x was the first dual core phone in America, HTC made the first 4G phone, Samsung made the Super Amoled, Super Amoled Plus, and HD Super Amoled... So what were you saying again???

Apple also underclocks the CPU, I would not be surprised if the processors were rigged, the Prime being underclocked and the iPad being overclocked or just normal. This, however, is mere speculation.

Yes, because 1080p, 1.6ghz quad core, super thin, micro SD card slot, mini HDMI, 2 megapixel front camera, and 8 megapixel camera with flash is unimpressive. It may not sell much, but at least I KNOW, that I am buying a more powerful tablet with better specs

Too true, every time someone says iPad or iPhone are teh bezt, I die a little inside.

ONLY 400$

im waiting for the even newest ipad

In your dreams buddy, that game is the new Duke Nukem Forever

My pinky toe is more powerful than a Mac Mini

COD World at War sucked too...

Naughty Dog will never make a xBox game, mainly because Sony knows that Naughty Dog releases games that sell the PS3, I mean the games literally sell the PS3

Oh I know what you mean! I hate it

I will sell my mac and buy a windows tablet just for this, no joke, i love this so much. I think I might get the Yoga?

Good point, that is agreeable

Me gusta

Back to the basics hahaha