Ugh. This country is the worst. And so is the evil capitalism at the root of this phenomenon.
Ugh. This country is the worst. And so is the evil capitalism at the root of this phenomenon.
Albert Breer is reporting that the actual fully guaranteed number is only $36.5 million. That’s obviously still a ton of money, but it’s a lot less Snyder-y than $50 million (which is the injury guarantee).
This is worse than the article where Gawker outed a random executive at Conde Nast. What happened to you people?
Our media is SO racist. Thank you for pointing this out. The saddest part is that most of them are ostensibly “liberals,” but their devotion to corporate overlords shows them to be fake progressives who simply pander to white Americans (a racist people in a racist, awful country).
Thankfully, we have the shining light…
I masturbated to this article.
Conservatives are, by definition, monsters. That he - or any conservative - had so much power is an embarrassment. They should be prevented from participating in our government as a matter of law, not unlike Confederates after the Civil War.
I’m glad that Deadspin is undeterred in continuing to state matter-of-factly that “Redskins” is a term meaning “bloody scalps.” Despite the lack of “evidence” supporting that etymology, it’s important to continue to press this narrative, as it is the quickest way to continue to persuade the public that the name must…
“4th-and-seven” > “fourth-and-7”
And then there’s the dumb-ass, totally corrupt, and insane Washington franchise, who admitted their team name belongs somewhere among SLUTSEEKER dating service, PARTY WITH SLUTS apparel, and THUG PORN, but argued that this association should somehow protect its use by a major franchise in one of the world’s most…
Well, if we can’t trust one Grantland staffer, then who CAN we trust!
Any outlet that permits talent to express non-progressive views openly is problematic. My hope is that the cost-cutting that ESPN must do comes in the form of severing ties with people like Broussard who have religious beliefs that have no place in modern society, people like Schilling who have political beliefs that…
I agree that this law will not create more criminals. Criminals will simply break any law put before them. However, this law will create more protections against discrimination based on wrong-headed beliefs that have no place in our modern world.
Finally got around to playing this. I really enjoyed it, and it definitely reminded me of how video games used to play. I don’t just mean the motif, but also the difficulty - and, yet, I kept coming back until I beat all four currently-available seasons.
Come on - they’re not middle-aged.
“But they’ll still be REDSKINS cheerleaders!!!” - Dan Snyder
For me, a (semi-)older gamer, I distinguish between two types of videos:
Agree in general, but, even with money in play, everyone suddenly fancies himself the Busiest Man in the World once mid-August rolls around. Trying to get a group of guys in their 30s and early 40s to agree to a day involving a 90-minute ONLINE draft is insanely hard - which is especially ridiculous in 2015, when any…
You seem to be contradicting yourself.