The Masked Progressive

Don't underestimate the fact that we live in a country where people now go to the ER for the sniffles or a stomach bug, for a variety of reasons. No insurance, hyperactive fear of illness, helicopter parents who won't wait 24 hours for their child to see their regular doctor, etc.

Not what I'm saying. I'm saying that I've never given a shit about whether a video game character "looks like" me. When I think about the games I've played recently, none of them except for Uncharted 3 featured a white male protagonist, and, except when I'm reading articles like this, I don't think about it.

I'm as progressive as they come (to the point of being a card-carrying socialist), but, jeepers, I can't imagine being as all-encompassingly left-leaning as some of the people or groups referenced herein. Video games are supposed to be my escape from this stuff. Activism is fine, but, if there's no off switch, it

I thought they handled it as well as can be expected. As the live broadcaster, I think it was appropriate to show the long-range replays so people understood what the heck was happening. Outside of that, they kept it to reaction shots, which were less visceral but even more emotionally provocative.

+1. Are we sure Ware has been "chewed up and spit out" by "the system" at this point? Or are we just jumping to that conclusion because it supports a preexisting worldview? How many kids suffer a net positive because of college athletics vs. suffer a net negative? I'm skeptical that the latter number outweighs the

I could live with it if Hayter voiced the pre-coma Big Boss. One of the things I've been looking forward to is seeing Big Boss slowly turn into the villain who goes toe-to-toe with Solid Snake. I figured that something must have happened to him that turned him bad (although, as anyone who is a fan of the Metal Gear

+1 Letter of the Law

White dolls are troubling and make me uncomfortable. So much guilt.

I agree! I wish everyone could be as enlightened as the Jezzies!

Are we still talking about this?

No snark - Best video I've seen in a while. Bravo.


Browsing the web while playing a game? Just how bored are these people?

Local (Richmond) media now reporting that Jeff Janoski, the official who made the initial calls that put the wheels in motion for this wild finish, will sit for the remainder of the A-10 Tournament:…

The no canning rule on field goals is a good one that probably should have been in the NFL before now. Taking a free shot from a high school player probably isn't a great idea, but getting one from an NFL player is insane. Take them out of the equation.

I had the exact same thoughts(s). I can still see Mick's big ol' rear sticking out amongst the carnage of the destroyed Spanish announce table.

I've been using a converter to make the Retron 3 HDMI-compatible. When my TV is in game mode, there is no lag, and the picture looks spectacular (by 8- and 16-bit standards).

The racism stuff is actually not as interesting to me (you can find thousands of idiots on Twitter at any given moment) as the intellectual property aspect of what ESPN did tonight. That's actually a brilliant move by TWWL. And it makes me wonder things like, "Could they broadcast a WBC game between two

Baseball might be the only endeavor on the planet where the unwritten supersedes the written.

Yes, correct. I actually liked the original Lakers vs. Celtics, but the game hasn't aged well. And Coach K is one of my all-time favorite games (at the time).