The Masked Progressive

Here's the thing: I'm not a Sony hater, or even a PS4 hater. At all. I've been brand-loyal to Sony since I got my first PlayStation. The problem is that I just don't see a need to buy a PS4 when my PS3 does everything I need. I've made this point before, but: The PS1 was the first CD player I owned (excluding my

In a perfect world, you would be absolutely right. But this isn't a perfect world, or even a semi-pure meritocracy like sports (I can't *prove* who the MVP should be, but I can definitely prove who the leading scorer or rebounder was). Music is probably even worse at picking its award-winners, to be honest. And I

+1. That's great.


Jezebel is the perfect site for people who look at Gawker and think, "Hmmm...not lefty enough."

College: Get over yourself, authority figures.

That was terrific. Raw archive footage from local sports stations is the best. The shame of it is that most of it from more than 20 or so years ago is on archaic 3/4" tape, which is two generations of technology ago. A lot of stations in mid-sized markets don't even have a functional 3/4" machine anymore. I'm sure

If they truly want to embrace progressivism, they should choose a non-aggressive nickname. I would suggest the "Comrades." It has the benefit of not only promoting the concept of friendship and equality, but also has a nice alliteration with Cooperstown.

I was going to ask if maybe they had a beat writer for every team (or at least the high-profile teams). That helps explain some of it. Thanks.

The most surprising thing about this to me (admittedly not a huge NBA fan) is that ESPN has this many NBA writers / pundits.

Evil dentist, you say?

I'm glad you posted this, because I agree 100%. We all know the first is a classic, but the third installment is vastly superior to the remaining three in the series. "Aggressively stupid" sounds more than a little snobby, especially toward a movie that actually gets the "buddy picture" dynamic right.

Fuck that. The guy who scored on his own team, via a Facebook post (always a reliable source), announces that he "asked a few" of his teammates if they would be ok with it. And the rest of that FB post sounds like thousands of others by entitled young people getting "screwed" by a boss or coach who "doesn't like

12.7 forearms per 100 people.

8. Never make the first or third out at third base.

Not the article, but the comments.

Sometimes this place makes me a little uneasy, as when there's a healthy contingent of people here applauding this kid. Look, we all agree it makes for a funny video, but, if I were a teammate of this jackass, there wouldn't be anything funny about this. Totally selfish. If you want to quit, fine. Quit. But this

You're correct. Despite what the "evolved" and "enlightened" say below, sports - or, more properly, the lessons sports teach - are important. Betraying your teammates is not "heroic."

