The Masked Progressive

But we agree in principle, yes? We may disagree about the degree to which he should be punished, but we agree that public figures (e.g. athletes) who express non-liberal views should, at an absolute minimum, apologize for having non-progressive beliefs? So, if someone comes out against gay marriage, for instance,

Allow me to clarify. When I say "the NFL does," I don't mean, literally, that I'm in communication with the NFL and they follow my orders. I mean that they embrace the same values as I do, and believe that non-progressive views should be punished, which is why I think we'll see some punishment meted out here.

Moron - I'm not saying that I have direct influence over the NFL. I'm saying that the NFL and many other nationally prominent organizations and industries are on the same page as I am as far as punishing non-progressive expression.

Let's see what happens. If he gets fined, I'll be validated.

The NFL does. He won't be suspended, of course, but you can bet he'll be punished (fined) for expressing views that are at odds with progressivism. As it should be.

You fine and you suspend. This player will be fined. Other players have been (and will be) suspended going forward for expressing non-progressive ideas. This is how it should be.

A strong legislative agenda that reflects truly progressive values is more important to me than a freedom of speech that permits conservative thought to be expressed without stigma.

Your views are already being discredited in the media, entertainment, and academia. Very soon (if it hasn't happened already), your beliefs will be considered "outside the mainstream," and you will be forced either to segregate yourself from broader American society (e.g. in a small town somewhere in a deeply red

There are acceptable views and unacceptable views. I will not apologize for wanting to ostracize those who express the latter.

Anything that pisses off conservative dinosaurs makes me happy. DIE ALREADY, REPUBLICANS, AND LET US HAVE OUR GAY-FRIENDLY, DIVERSE SOCIAL DEMOCRACY.

Any athlete (or other public figure) that openly expresses conservative or non-progressive views should be banned from participation or otherwise removed from employment. We are getting closer to that more enlightened stance (witness folks who make offensive comments being suspended or fired immediately now), but we

+1. I lol'ed.

The Steelers fandom in the Carolinas is a little surprising.

If you want diversity, fine. Mike Carey is an excellent official. Let him do another one. Bogar isn't a Top 5 guy. I hope he rises to the occasion, but I have some of the same concerns expressed here.

How close are we to eradicating conservatism from the public sphere forever, except for ridicule? (Please say "very, very close.") It seems to me that progressivism is increasingly mandatory for those in the public eye, excluding wingnuts who work for discredited outlets like Fox News.

I'm glad we've finally shed some light on this topic. Kudos to the author. If only our nation could be run by sociology departments, we could finally embrace progressivism that would drag us out of our white male-dominated shameful past and into a more enlightened future.

There was definitely a real person behind Vader's mask, all right.

Anything that makes (white) bros and an old white male unhappy (especially when done by someone with a criminal past) makes me happy. Take that, Good Ole Boy Network! Why don't you try visiting Brooklyn sometime and see how your misogyny and racism go over, assholes?

Can't we just say these things look fucking stupid without being accused of either "casual racism" or being "butthurt?"

Do you not realize that they had Alex Smith as their starting QB when they went 13-3 last year and were a muffed punt away from winning the NFC Championship against the team that went on to win the Super Bowl?