The Masked Progressive

I think the next phase of this debate (after more research verifies the conclusion that this study reached) will be whether scholastic football should be banned in the same way that we don't have scholastic boxing. I think that, for liability reasons, many jurisdictions will answer that issue in the affirmative.


I've preordered this thanks to the stellar reviews and the gorgeous graphic style. The first thing I thought of was Dragon Quest VIII for the PS2. The problem is that I never finished Dragon Quest VIII because I just got tired of the grinding.

"One has to think" . . . "hypothetically" . . .

You misspelled "genius."

And who said I agree with the author's conclusion? Rick Perry = Republican = evil, and, therefore, everything he does must have some kind of ulterior motive, as I said.

The lesson here is that, when Republicans hire women, there's got to be a salacious or untoward reason for it. Tokenism. Horniness. Cronyism. Nepotism. Republicans can't be trusted at all because they are simply evil. By contrast, I give progressives the benefit of the doubt. If they happen to hire a lot of


I'm with Sharpe, here. If it were just a one-time thing, I think most people would just forget about it by the time they went to bed tonight. But it's the whole (or asshole) resume: Blowing off post-game handshakes, no-showing interviews, disingenuous injury reports, and, of course, getting caught cheating. I'm not

+1. God, I loved that game. Too bad the music licensing seems to be holding up the updated PSN version for Playstation 3. I would play the hell out of it again.

I repeat: You will not be expelled from Notre Dame simply for being gay.


Homosexuality, in and of itself, is not grounds for expulsion at Notre Dame. Untrue.

God is a delusion. We're more intelligent, which is why there are fewer believers here.

To be fair, it's probably somewhat difficult to report with precision biographical details about someone who did not exist.

I think his religion and/or family probably put some pressure on him to pursue women. I think using a "too busy to date" might not have been do-able in his situation, or at least he may have perceived things that way. Instead, he wildly overcompensated with an elaborate ruse. Again, making a big assumption.

Unless he was actually duped and a total victim, I think it's more likely than not that Te'o is a closeted homosexual. But I think it's important to remember that, closet or not, gay or straight, making up the tragic death of a fake girlfriend and getting public sympathy for it is contemptible. And that's a


Seriously - he's just fucking with his critics at this point, right?

I've seen at least 2,000 baseball games in my life. I love the sport. I still don't fully understand the balk rule. This won't help much.