The Masked Progressive

I'm all for as much racial hand-wringing as possible, as a guilt-strapped white left-winger. However, I also recognize the reality that a huge percentage of folks outside of the Gawker community will give zero fucks about this. Those who don't even know enough to know who Ben Kinglsey is will just think, "Cool

Very cool article. Would love to see more like this (speaking as a huge fantasy geek).

Tecmo Super Bowl was a masterpiece. I paid to have the battery on mine replaced. In 2012. I'm in my mid-30s.

Kevin Elster in 2000?

I have to say . . . as someone who has moved back toward simplicity in gaming (Thanks, Retron 3!), I have to wonder if the WiiU isn't going a little too far in the other direction.

I really love this series. The writing is outstanding by video-game standards, and it even holds up well if it's judged by the standards of scripted TV.

+1. This was fantastic.

Any time the IOC or a sport-specific organization (here, FIBA) starts talking about serious consideration for putting a sport like this in the Olympics, I just assume that it's partially a continuing "fuck you" to baseball and softball.


Are we certain this isn't a camera commercial?

Ha! The joke's on you! I had two daddies!

I look forward to our regime relieving you of your personal property. Bow down.

You amuse me.

What's interesting is that the Triple Crown debate is being framed as a contest between old-school thinkers (which most here would consider troglodytes) who think winning the TC is a big deal, and, therefore, Miggy should get the MVP, and progressives who believe that anything that touches the dreaded and antiquated

It was a joke. I'm extremely erudite.

I'm not much of a "reader," but I did enjoy the TV show "Step-by-Step."

Hypocrite like a fox . . . an Ethiopian fox.

Not oppressed ones.

Although I admit I root for Washington, teams should never be named for non-white ethnic groups. They're cultures, not mascots.

Humans can be pretty great sometimes.