
Let me get this straight. This asshole works for his nice things by building companies and providing goods and services that people gladly pay him for and you go out of your way to shit on him. [Which is fair since, as I stated, he can be an asshole]

It’s not just a problem for electrics though. The energy and resources that go into manufacturing a new car means that unless it is truly ancient or a huge gas guzzler, keeping an old car is almost certain a more environmentally friendly choice than getting a new one. Which is one of the reasons cash for clunkers was

Climate change is the trend of the climate in which we live and it’s historical movements. Its existence is not up for debate.

There is a difference between denying climate change and disagreeing over the causes. Most Conservatives accept climate change, they just know that its too early in the research phase to claim the causes.

As for the EPA, they’ll be listening too. You shouldn’t have told me that....

And that’s probably just steam.

We need to fart in their Cheerios.

The EPA remains primarily concerned with cases where the tampered vehicle is used on public roads, and more specifically with aftermarket manufacturers who sell devices that defeat emission control systems on vehicles used on public roads.

Because cars are bad, M’KAY? - EPA and CARB statement

I don’t think they’re worried about people who actually have legit track only vehicles. I think they’re worried about the huge aftermarket parts market selling non-compliant parts with racing as a fig-leaf.

Just keep in mind who is in charge..

Don’t vote for a democrat ever again.

First they came for the auto tuners, and I did not say anything for my car did not have a water methanol injection kit...

This is cool - but I want to see a show on that TVR!!