
I think you misunderstood.

Not sure I understand your question.

Yup. You’ve explained the theory very well.


LOL. The annual carbon cycle is ~750 gigatones.

Sorry, Noo. I was speaking of aggregate natural greenhouse gas emissions versus those from human activity.


Depends on whether you include water vapor as a greenhouse gas in the math or not. This matters because it accounts for ~95% of the greenhouse effect.

To your point:

Sorry for the smart-ass picture. Couldn’t resist, LOL.

So any action by a human, even picking up sticks and fashioning them into a lean-to is not natural. (not very different from a bird naturally making a nest, or a beaver naturally making a dam, but OK).

LOL. Thank you.

The beaver dam...and a lean-to shelter. Both are natural, we can agree, right? So what about the the log cabin.. natural or man-made?

I just like the design...

LOL. Thank you. Yes.

Humans are also the only living things that consciously “clean up after themselves” and undertake efforts to “improve the environment” (which sometimes pans out and other times creates new problems—we try).

Haha. Yes. Much better.

Beavers down trees and build dams. Birds construct nests. Otters crush mollusks with stones. Wildebeests destroy habitats. In what way is man different? Because we use tools? Humans are not the only living things that create and use tools or, build shelter from natural resources, or alter the landscape. Man, and his