This game was awesome. I remember being so challenged by that god damn droid when I was a kid, my nightmare. I even had a pretty sweet toy of the main character, man, seeing this now is really throwin me back haha
This game was awesome. I remember being so challenged by that god damn droid when I was a kid, my nightmare. I even had a pretty sweet toy of the main character, man, seeing this now is really throwin me back haha
but more importantly it’s because the Warriors know more ways to score than standing around like fucking idiots while their Designated Ball User dribbles a Morse Code War and Peace into the hardwood in 22-second chapters.
This is a wrong opinion. You don’t know anything about championships.
I think developers should design for whatever framerate they want rather than whatever gamers demand
This game was the bane of my little child existence. I remember I got this and starfox for my N64 and for the life of me couldnt help but get constantly drubbed at the start of this damn game. Haunts me to this day.
Corey tweeted an answer to this, hinting that it was Baldur.
Yup, this exactly. Pretty plain to see. The 2nd game will be another cliffhanger a’la the last trio of games.
How at all is that safe to say? I thought the director pretty explicitly laid out the hopes of an expansion and DLC were moot. I definitely expect sequels, but I’m not holding my breathe on any additional content for this game after that podcast you guys did.
Kirk, nice write up! You said you remapped your controls to a custom controller, do you play on a scuf? Or another brand? I’ve thought about it, but have seen some negative reviews on these kinds of controllers. What are you thoughts?
Then I have a couple RPG Maker games I made in the early 2000's for you. (God, kid me went nuts on making those)
Awesome game, cheers to their success.
lol who is irrationally angry?
This...looks bad.
Noah is a great youtuber. Nathan, you should look into the Zombies streams he coordinates with other youtubers called Easter Eggs for Charity (#EE4C) where they play CoD Zombies, speed run easter eggs and do challenges, and in the process raise a ton of money for charity. Last year they raised quite a bit, like 200k I…
Rust Lord at 4 is an automatic Take The L dance.
Might wanna update this now, he’s getting surgery.... D:
God I played the first Guild Wars so much. That Flame Sword and my Gladiator, I maxed out so many chars on that game. Truly the good ol gaming days.
Quick question: My girlfriend is not a gamer at all. I mean she has a 3DS, and wil lcasually play some pokemon but nothing really intense.
Jacket game on point still!
Never change, man. Never change.