
But they’re the actions of a calculating mind that’s gone insane. Everyone is affected by the lead. Not everyone has become evil because of it. Hickey was an every-man-for-himself guy from the start. In the context of a sea voyage, that’s an evil attitude.

No, you’re right. All the themes are being spelled out in dialogue. It’s boring.

I thought he decided what he wants at the end of “Woods.” And he maybe should have filled Earn in on that.

I really miss the woman on the horse. That was the best part of the opening titles. A buffalo just doesn’t do it for me.

When there’s this big, giant massacre and not one single named character from last season dies in it that’s a bad sign, I think.

Is Maeve the “package” Delos thought had been smuggled out of the park? With this show I don’t even know if this question is too obvious or too out of left field.

I think it’s probably just for blackmail purposes.

I’m certain David is the big baddie future Syd is talking about. Who, or what, else could it be?

This comment is making me cry. Those were the days!

Her character (and, if I’m being honest, her acting) are close to sinking the whole thing for me.

I think my favorite non sequitur was the one about Ethan Hawke being at the Abbey at Gethsemani.

Everyone already knew all that we know.

No, that’s not true. High school drama directors make last-second decisions just like all directors do. I remember being 13, standing on a stage during a dress rehearsal for The King and I, almost dying of embarrassment while the director dithered over whether the boy I was in the scene with should kiss me or not. Not

I thought it was going to turn out that the whole episode was inside a tv show or something. It was really weird.