Saiyan who should've been Trunks' Bae

Well, apparently I’m not a good lesbian feminist. Tell me how I should act, because even thinking that a woman is sexy (she has nice eyes) could be considered objectifying. Why do I care what she looks like? She could look like Trump’s mother and that shouldn’t matter, right?

“...comparing consensual sex between two people to throwing money and hollering at naked women...”

But I like naked women. No, I don’t visit strippers, and probably won’t. But I have to admit I objectify (have objectified) women, even as a woman. How do I become a good feminist when I sometimes think “Damn, she is FINE!

What would be feminist then? I mean, I can make an argument that sex with a man (or hell, sex at all) could be seen as anti-feminist. It wouldn’t be a good or sound argument, but it can (and has) been made.

What would be feminist then? I mean, I can make an argument that sex with a man (or hell, sex at all) could be seen as anti-feminist. It wouldn’t be a good or sound argument, but it can (and has) been made.

No, real strip clubs are 100% better than ugly and pretentious ren-fest rejects mocking sex workers in order to boost their meager, but already unjustly high self-esteem.

America doesn’t deserve a sweetheart right now.

Some chicks enjoy seeing a sweet ass & rack just as much as some men do.

Not that fat shaming is EVER ok, but this was also a septuagenarian! For fucks sake! I really hope she gets some awful work done on her face in the near future and has to live with people poking fun at her when she’s fucking 70.

Mathers has been told, rather explicitly, that she exemplifies Western beauty standards, so I imagine it was easy to unthinkingly pass judgment on another woman who, in her eyes, falls short.

Nah, it was a couple days ago. Winter wore a fancy and skin revealing dress to an event where everyone else was wearing khakis. Winter basically said, “I don’t care what everyone else is doing, I like the dress so I wore it” and many commenters here said things along the lines of “someday she’ll grow up and learn that

Yep. I am continuously shocked at the puritanism that comes out over this. At least reactionary right-wing evangelicals are consistent, unlike a lot of self-professed “sex-positive” liberals who do mental gymnastics to explain why their pearl-clutching is really feminist or something.

I think the best way for her to heal from her past abuse is to for her to feel in control over what she wears, revealing or not. Speculating on her motives for wanting to show some skin isn’t helpful IMO. Many, many teens experiment with their sexuality by playing with their style and most of them have never been

I mean, why not? I used to love going around with my butt and boobs out, and then people on both sides of the aisle shamed me enough that I felt too self conscious to do it as much (Conservatives: No one respects sluts, so try some modesty. Liberals, usually older women: Obviously this is about catering to the male

Or she’ll look back and be like, glad I wore that when my body was fucking phenomenal.