Saiyan who should've been Trunks' Bae

Policing girls’ bodies is hard work, but someone’s gotta do it!

I’m not a Scientologist, and I’ve read/seen/heard many of the accounts of abuse within the religion, but every time I read/see/hear criticism of it, I can’t help but think “what’s the difference between those abuses and thousands (millions?) of similar or worse committed by other religions?” And what is the difference

I think this article would still have been written if Moss was a Dominionist who wanted the U.S. to be run according to the Bible. Religions big or small can be judged by what they advocate and what impact they have.

a deeply problematic religion

I do know a lot of young girls who are really into social media and makeup but also want to attend university and have a good career. I think it’s all about balance, as with most things. It’s a fun kind of escapism but also crazy expensive and I genuinely don’t know how so many 14-year-old girls are able to afford all

branding power of warm qualities like “authenticity,” “transparency,” and “intimacy”

Do you have to post an old picture of him with Miley Cyrus? It makes it seem like she’s supporting him. She has nothing to do with this.

Disney has just announced a release date for the sequel to Frozen: November 27, 2019.

It’s only a matter of time before some tiresome person shows up, wringing their hands and proclaiming that “we’re better than this” and “all vandalism is wrong.”

It’s ironic - not in the Alanis Morisette sense - that a website in large part built on standing up for others would feel all threatened and upset at a guy doing exactly that, only NOT behind the safety and security of his own computer. Chill out, he didn’t yell at YOU. He’s a good guy in this scenario.

I agree. After the United debacle, I suspect a lot folks are fired up to step in.  Honestly, I’m not a man but if you catch me on the right day I will be that person who tries to inject myself into a situation if I feel like it’s unjust. Sometimes that’s helpful, sometimes not. Being an ass to a parent traveling alone

Nah in this case it actually helps. The fact that someone would be willing to do that even if its a act of macho bravery makes it more legit in the sense that this isnt just a crazy woman crying hysteria while the attendant was just “doing his job”. (huge run on sentence, i know)

I agree, his reaction was definitely all about him and not helpful. I also love “sit down, Tony” as a new meme. But I wonder how much of his reaction was driven by watching what happened to Dr. Dao on United. Meaning, a lot of us read about (and felt) outrage over the passivity of the other passengers and probably