Saiyan who should've been Trunks' Bae

....and once again people are more concerned about politenessand tone-policing than they are about a misogynistic stereotype. I guess thats just typical for our current political climate. I guess the next time some conservative is going on about how some adult non-sex-working womans sexual choices or some adult

I never said all strippers love their jobs or that they don’t do it for money (all jobs are for money), moron. I’m saying that whether or not someone does or doesn’t have self-esteem isn’t determined by whether or not they’re a stripper, and that ‘feminists’ who try to assert their emotional and mental superiority

I’m actually a woman, but I love how if you don’t agree with the SWERF’s position on stripping, pornography, or prostitution, you have to be a straight male who only cares about boners. It can’t be that you’re just someone who doesn’t automatically see sex-workers as ‘sad victims who don’t have the self-respect that

You know what’s depressing? Privileged SWERFs who try to dress up their whorephobia as ‘calling out privilege’.

Conservatives and anti-feminists regularly say that they’ve known or interacted with ‘girls who gave it away’, people who date and have sex with people of the same sex, and others whose sexual choices and personal choices they disapprove of that they describe as ‘having low self-esteem’. Interacting with someone alone

“I feel bad for all who continue to do it to make a buck, male or female.” That puts you on the same level as people who ‘feel bad’ for all who have premarital sex, sleep around, have threesomes, or have sex with people of the same sex. It’s still implying that your not making the same sexual choices as someone else

It was a party at a strip club. Why should she be classy? Why does any rich woman need to perform feminine classiness anyway?

Just because someone is a stripper doesn’t automatically mean they lack self esteem. Sexual modesty and self respect have nothing to do with each other. I don’t see people complaining about low self esteem on Channing Tatum posts, and some of the same liberals who insist on equating a lack of self respect with

Her behavior would be just as bad and just as possible if she wasn’t a sex-worker. ‘Virgins’ body-shame just as much as ‘Whores’, and anyone can violate somebody’s privacy and be an asshole.

I’m not sure how you got on the subject of transactivists from my comment, as I never mentioned transgender people. I am a woman and was born female. So if your automatic take-away from any stranger criticizing sex-negative victim-blaming misogynist feminism mascarading as ‘radical’ and ‘feminist’ is, “Trans is a

Except in your original comment you specifically said that having the privilege to choose to be naked and post pictures of it on instagram was the thing that made her entitled and tone-deaf, not the paragraph she captioned the naked photo with. I was saying that photo doesnt in and of itself make her tone-deaf or

You probably don’t realize all the ways your comments here are slut-shaming and go against the ‘wear whatever you want’ sentiment you tried to express. Women have the right to dress however they want, immodesty is not ‘the wrong kind of attention’, and telling women to dress modestly to be taken seriously is

You probably don’t realize all the ways your comments here are slut-shaming and go against the ‘wear whatever you want’ sentiment you tried to express. Women have the right to dress however they want, immodesty is not ‘the wrong kind of attention’, and telling women to dress modestly to be taken seriously is

Not every woman’s experience with feminine modesty is going to be the same though.

But what if they dress classy/conservatively just for others?

But did you wonder that when she was dressing more modestly in 2015? Because it’s really nothing new for young women to automatically get classified as troubled and in danger the moment the feminine modesty goes away.

Just because someone does have some kind of history of toxic/abusive family history doesn’t mean every decision they make as young adults or fully grown adults about their bodies is some sad result of abuse, and not every woman who does what society deems ‘slutty’ was abused, whether she comes off like a confident

Ah, lovely, the old ‘sluttiness in a female is a sad thing and a result of sexual trauma’ trope. On a supposedly sex-positive feminist site. Lovely. I’m sure you wouldn’t assume her dressing in a way you considered classy or androgynous was also a result of abuse. What’s next, daddy issues for girls who have casual

Part of de-normalizing misogyny is doing away with this idea that women’s only choices are to either try to avoid misogyny by ‘being good girls’ or ‘prove they don’t give a fuck’ by silently accepting the misogyny as a consequence of the choices they make with their bodies as women. The fact that she criticizes it is

You mean you’re a “feminist” who has a problem with the idea of women getting to make their own decisions about feminine modesty without being gaslighted, shamed, harassed, policed, victim-blamed, excluded, or worse for it by self-proclaimed ‘progressives’? You must be a second-waver. Oh well, carry on with thinking