
I’m just sitting here frowning, softly singing Raspberry Beret under my breath and willing myself not to cry cause HE BEST NOT BE FUCKIN DEAD


Good lighting and with my arms raised above my head at all times

I think that dude shaved his pubes right down, but maybe left his thigh hair?!

In good lighting that bra would make my 23 year old puppies look like goat tits

This guy thanks you for completing his ensemble

my thoughts exactly!! i love using festivals as an excuse to have my nips out

Only to Coachella

I hope his refrigerator dies while he’s a work and his dog poops in his favorite shoes and his best friend butt dials him while talking about how he’s really lost it, and his land lord decides it’s time to renovate and cancels his lease six months early, and his work decides to rearrange some offices landing him in a

Well I’m kind of glad that it wasn’t Mulan, I kind of cringed at the stereotype of “woman does something perceived t0 be masculine - must be gay” that was emerging.

It amuses me a little that they only put together a lesbian couple on this show when a teenage boy started writing the story book.

Countdown to one of them dying for totes legit story reasons...

I still try to pick things up with my mind. Just in case I’m a late bloomer or something.

You can probably skip that part. That’s how I watch Vikings or anything gory/ scary- fast forward, baby!

Who said anything about girls? Wasn’t there a guy who studied grizzlies and was mauled by one? It’s human nature to become attached to animals because they’re childlike.

While I have been reading the comments on Jezebel for years, I am using my first comment I’ve ever posted to say: this is MY LOCAL and I’m well proud of it #sawf #lahndahn

How much you want to bet that Heidi has a locked drawer in their bedroom and that Ted is completely unaware of its contents?

Fun fact, that’s probably like... half a megabyte she’s holding right there. Or way less.