
Obviously, they are dumb because public transportation is awesome. I now live in the boonies in a landlocked state and even the nearest city doesn't have great public transportation.

These images are the perfect metaphor for why Britain lost its Empire. A bunch of clueless brats resting on the success of their predecessors.

No, no it doesn't.

I feel like in a few years at least half of these kids will go completely in the opposite direction and become big time hipsters. I went to school with kids like this and that's what a lot of them did.

Rolex: Because Dad doesn't love you enough to introduce you to his custom watchmaker.

Buy more chavs! Let's get this slavery thing going again, guys!

Christ, if you're going to be "rich" at least have a modicum of taste in expensive watches, you moron. Rolex is so upper-middle "I don't know any better" class.

bullshit detected: table too close to the wall. Dining set looks middle class.

Do they realize if they murder all the chavs no one will work for them.

Nicholas Sparks's biography reads like Nicholas Sparks's books:

Now he's mass mailing us. What do you bet he does the same thing trolling for dates on OKC? Isn't he precious?

Should've closed with "And that, kids, is how Ryan Gosling met your mother."

(Note to my partner: If I ever get dementia, and you show up to read me the same story every fucking day, feel free to leave out the part where you bang the war widow. It's not necessary. Quit braggin', man.)

I'm not even halfway done but I can tell you right now I've never laughed so hard at a movie review in my life. BLESS YOU, LINDY WEST.

This movie is so going to earn me 2 hours of free bar time if I see it with Mrs. Stig.

Nicholas Sparks is the Thomas Kinkade of the literature world.

Then women who oppose this decision represent a small group of women? Most adult women in my life use birth control to — control their fertility. Why is this controversial? Why is family planning controversial?

What kind of kinky sex act is it when five Supreme Court justices insert themselves all the way up your business and pull out your IUD?

Says the woman who sits where she sits because of feminists before her.