Moron. You pay for your health insurance. It isn't free. Ever look at the deductions on your pay stub? Also there are copays that people pay for prescriptions. STOP SAYING IT IS FUCKING FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Moron. You pay for your health insurance. It isn't free. Ever look at the deductions on your pay stub? Also there are copays that people pay for prescriptions. STOP SAYING IT IS FUCKING FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!
"...why do we expect that it should be free?"
"I have a huge amount of respect for women, especially my mom."
"Although they lean right, they are the least biased news network out there..."
Thank you. I was just about to ask who the hell takes more than 30 days to drink a gallon of beer?
While your description of the dressing room is appreciated, it doesn't alter the fact that Kylie Jack is a woman and has every right to be in that dressing room with all the other customers.
"The vast majority of people have never even seen a "transgender"."
"Paid them to look happy, to tweet about him, to cheer for him, to youtube about him."
Do you know how cheap it is to hire homeless people to fill seats? Very cheap, my friend.
"I know Jezebel writers love to hate on anything they can't afford (especially when BROS are doing the spending)..."
Because marriage is a legal contract which binds two people in various ways including property and finances. The question should be why do churches and religious people get to have a say in a legal contract?
There are mammals that lay eggs.
"It's not about jerking off in class."
"(Do not enter unless you are a level thirteen mage.)"
Did it ever occur to you that his dad, Alan, may have bought them all just so he'd be a success and stop living on his couch?
He has actual fans?
Actually the concept of corporations as people is much, much older than that. It dates back to a case in the early 1800's when SCOTUS said corporations had certain rights like people when it involved contracts. Then there was a case in the 1880's involving a railroad and corporations being covered by the 14th…
WTF are you talking about? Have you taken your medication today? Call the nurse, I'm sure she can help you. Oh wait, she's a woman so you must hate her.
So every woman who has turned you down for sex aka every woman you've ever asked.