
No, it is not. Stop right there because no one on this website wants to hear your butt sex information that you got from your pastor, fox news, the heritage foundation or some screed being posted to facebook. I get it, you hate the gays and think they should be locked away for the safety of humanity. Most of us

"'s just a non-issue for me."

"...leans toward ruling in favor of this dickbag's right to threaten his ex-wife with impunity..." That line is talking about the ex-wife of the man in the lawsuit, not Justice Scalia's non existent ex-wife. But hey at least you tried to have a point.

Hey guess what? All sexual activity can spread diseases. You know, as in sexually transmitted diseases. Troll harder next time.

Yes it was that specific:

And why do you care if she covers her head? In what way are you harmed if she wants to follow that precept of her religion? And don't tell me she is harmed because not all muslim women are being abused by their religion.

TL:DR - so basically you are saying it is all her fault and Tony Richardson is just a misunderstood artist. Thanks for your opinion. Now shove it up your ass.

Where does it say South Korea is weird? It mentions a dish in South Korea that is considered weird by even some South Koreans.

You are seriously misunderstanding what I was saying to jodark. Now I don't know if you are being willfully stupid or maliciously stupid but the UN does issue sanctions against countries for a lot of different reasons. Does that mean it changes things? No but it puts on record what world society feels are

You are one of those people who never pays attention to the winter Olympics, aren't you? The context was clear once you bother to remember that Russia is where the 2014 Winter Olympics was being held and the controversy over being gay in Russia. Seriously, the context is there unless you were completely unaware of

Yes I know that. And jodark is saying that we (the collective society) do not have a right to tell those other countries how to treat their citizens. I countered his claim by pointing out that the United Nations and decent people every where do tell those countries how to treat their citizens. Now if you want to

As a resident of Arizona I worry about Senator McCain's health all the time. My worry is that his health is too good.

No that's not why I said that at all. But thanks for playing. The only way being gay is an insult is if you think being gay is a bad thing. Clearly you think being gay is a bad thing.

"People want those 7 members first and foremost."

As a straight female I can assure that I do not find two men kissing objectionable (and it is just a kiss, not sexual relations though I don't find gay sex objectionable either). Nor do I find two women kissing objectionable. I'm not an enlightened PC liar but a regular human being born on the same planet as you but

"...because of the evolutionary implications."

No it isn't an insult. It would only be an insulting if you consider being gay a bad thing. Would you be insulted if someone thought you were gay?

Since I'm a woman, sucking a penis would not prove I'm not homophobic. My first name is Mary, which is in my user name - how did you miss that? And it is not a red herring because it shows just how stupid your argument is.

It's not an insult, unless you would be insulted if someone thought you were gay. Would you be insulted if someone thought you were gay?

"If I work hard, and stay optimistic and positive, I'll get the pay I deserve."