You created a burner account just so you could sound like an asshole? Congratulations, you succeeded.
You created a burner account just so you could sound like an asshole? Congratulations, you succeeded.
Maybe if you'd buy that sense of humor, you'd see why it was funny.
Maybe, just maybe you need to buy a sense of humor. Wouldn't hurt to have one in life. Internet hugs for being humorless!
Oh yeah, the Mountain is a rapist and a murderer but at least he's not smug. You've got priorities, I see.
You know Miguel, if you are really that worried about spoilers then maybe you shouldn't read the comments. Odds are pretty high that there will be some. Perhaps it is your first day on the internet?
Glad you agree that you are a sexist ass. That's the first step to improving your attitude.
Where on the sign does it say anything about "professional attire"? And where is the sign telling men to dress professionally?
Then where the hell is the sign for the men?
"Am I Prude? Nope."
I guarantee you that supervisor will claim he was "just joking" and the black guys are too sensitive. WTF indeed.
Well aren't you a "lovely" person. And my guess was right, you are a child who is playing on mommy's computer. Does she know?
And I would because she's a human being who deserves to be respected. The fact that you wouldn't shows that you are a misogynist. By the way something doesn't become true simply because you type it in all caps. I'm just going to have to assume you are twelve and that it is way past your bedtime.
Apparently you are not only a bigot but an incredibly immature person. I am reporting you to the monitors.
I am not a troll. But you are a bigot. Conversation is over because, apparently, you are proud of your bigotry. Now go find some other stories about muslims that you can inject your bigotry into and have all the fun.
Bigots always find a way to explain why their bigotry is okay. Congratulations - you're just like all the other bigots out there. Maybe they will throw you a party.
"I find it important to point out that some cultures condone violence more than others".
I call everyone dude and you are a bigot. You said this, I didn't: "I find it important to point out that some cultures condone violence more than others". I'm not a muslim but I have lived among them, worked with them and known some as friends. They are people like any other people. A Jordanian woman was just…
Dude, I am not going to argue about this with you. People in this country hate muslims so every chance they get they talk about muslims as if they are the most horrible people on the planet and do the most horrible things. And everyone else is just wonderful. Muslims do not condone violence any more than any other…