
"Look, if you're really pissed off about the existence of National Beet Awareness Month (and I, for one, don't blame you)..."

"Please believe, that if they end up pregnant due to lack of prevention I will be disappointed"

published in the

Fuck off, troll.

Look, asshole. The three religions themselves say it is the same god but if you want to be an asshole and tell them they are wrong go ahead. I don't give a fuck. Also a tip - I don't read long rants from insane people on the internet. There's a reason TL;DR exists.

Dude, you are clearly a troll. You are arguing for no reason because you want to insist that you are right. As I've already said I don't believe in ANY fucking gods anywhere, anytime but you wanting to claim they aren't the same god because each religion interprets things differently doesn't make it so. You are

Look you want a be troll, be a troll but don't try to explain religion when you clearly do not understand it at all. The criteria I am using to say it is the same god is the religions themselves. The jews come first with their god, who calls them the chosen people. He is known as the god of Abraham, Isaac and

Yeah because a woman wanting the world to sincerely celebrate mothers and not just buy them a card and stuff that makes other people rich who then died in an insane asylum suffering from dementia, knowing that the holiday she worked to create was warped should never be told. Some people might think it was

Miley Cyrus is coming up to you and shoving her pussy in your face? Really? Wow, that would be annoying.

"If we weren't debating this constantly,..."

First of all I am an atheist and do not believe in any gods. Second, yes the god of the jews, chrsitians and muslims is the exact same god. You need to educate yourself. I told you they don't believe Jesus was the son of god but do believe he was a prophet of god. Also what you are doing is playing semantics. All

Actually Muslims believe in the same god as Christians and Jews. All three religions have the same god, the supposed god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Muslims even believe Jesus was a prophet of god just not THE prophet.

Psst - superbongxiviii was being sarcastic.

Gee it must be wonderful to be so perfect in life. To have never made any kind of mistake at all. How do you stand living with the rest of humanity? And she was using a form of birth control that is accurate about 75% of the time. Which is her CHOICE. That is what being pro choice is. Accepting that other women

Well I guess somebody feels superior to everyone else. Good for you, glad that you've never had any bad days or ever had anything go wrong. Must make it easy to sit on that high horse and judge others so harshly.

"On the days they are particularly irritating or exhausting my husband and I just remind ourselves that in 15 years they will all be out of the house and we will have all our time to ourselves and the money to actually enjoy it."

Maybe that's where she got the idea.

Then you desperately need to buy a sense of humor. I weep for you.

I know. I thought for sure there would be a couple of people who said that.

I have decided that you are a trolling me. You could not possibly be this dense and have any kind of research job. You can go away now. You have succeeded in being annoying and getting attention. Get back under the bridge, troll.