
Apparently someone didn't study the constitution in college.

"I think that it is really hard to know what the real purpose of college/university is these days."

Try the Irish ones. I understand they're quite tasty.

"Would it be nice if they were as radical as us?"

No, someone who claims they don't care if someone has an abortion and then says "but" and offers conditions they think a person should or should not have an abortion under is a liar because, yes, you do care if she has an abortion, if it doesn't meet your criteria for abortion. And here's a clue, asshole, abortion is

No, I don't know everything but I don't throw out statistics that aren't real and then claim them as facts. And that is what you did. You could have mentioned the statistics you had but instead you made one up because you don't believe the statistics you had. Making up a number is the same as pulling it out of your

Since the only thing you addressed was the partner then you must agree that you are the asshole who said you didn't care that she had an abortion but went on to prove that you do care. The fact that you said "Well I can't really have outrage for her partner..." implies that you have outrage over her. Still an

You need to go back and re-read your original comment because I think you have forgotten what you wrote. And I said "worrying about the other side" was stupid. She could be the most perfect "poster child" (such a demeaning choice on your part) and the right wing, pro birth people would still find fault. I don't

"I dont care that she had an abortion though I am strongly against not using any protection and then using abortion as your form of birth control because regardless of your stance on choice its disgusting."

If you are going to go into social work than you need to not be so judgmental. You will meet a great many people who have made decisions that you don't agree with and if you can't handle that then you can't help them.

"...but I fully respect a woman's right to choose."

I saw what you did there. You did good. :)

And I would say that you are somewhere between shaming woman for existing and pro birth. I'm going to assume from your screen name that y0u are a man. Guess what - don't have womb? Then this has nothing to do with you. Come back to us when you can get pregnant and then we'll talk.

Do you think someone might have flunked biology in school?

Must be really hard for you to live in this world. You are so superior to the rest of us - we must seem like nasty little demons. Hey, here's an idea - don't be such a self righteous bitch who thinks she knows how people feel or should feel in their private decisions? What am I saying, you are so perfect, of course

"It's hard to find a number, but it seems to be at least 75%...."

"... I havn't missed a diaper, a feeding, or been away from my baby for more than 2 fucking minutes, nor do I ever plan to. I've got plenty of hard work coming and I'm not about to shirk my responsibility for a second..."

Yes, yes it does make you a bad pro-choicer. Worrying about the "opposing side" is stupid. Doesn't matter how she got pregnant, they would piss all over her. Expecting another being to be perfect and always make the right decision no matter who they are or what they do for a living - and then crapping on them about

So what I'm getting from this is that she should be ashamed of being a human being who made a mistake and that she should be punished for it in some way. Good to know.

"Those are just moments I don't think should be out there and having them out there is just...macabre."