I guess you think the Cleveland victims complaining about the jokes means their are over-sensitive. Yeah being raped and held captive and they can't take a joke. /s
I guess you think the Cleveland victims complaining about the jokes means their are over-sensitive. Yeah being raped and held captive and they can't take a joke. /s
Louis CK and Chris Rock would not have made this joke because they are actually funny.
"...and I can't help but think how Williams' advice and the influence she has on her fans will impact the relationship of the woman in the clip above as well as the relationships of individuals watching the enthusiasm it received from her audience."
It must be so sad living a life with no sense of humor. Perhaps science will be able to help you one day.
"Not that it should matter what she was posting, but I also kind of feel like if she was letting someone know she was running late, or she was lost, or *anything* that lends even the smallest sliver of rationale why she felt an immediate need to be posting anything with her phone while driving, I'd feel slightly…
"I think it is a hilarious commentary on our human condition that idiots on the internet tend to fiddle on while Rome burns."
"But I've buried the lede here: Why can't American couples simply rent the traditional trappings of marriage for photographic purposes and then throw a low-key party where everyone wears jeans?! Somebody please get on that."
"If the story were about a shortage of heart surgeons, would you have included the same ending? ("Yo, unemployed people of England! I know someone who's hiring.")"
"It's not really something that can be done by just drafting unemployed people."
Camped out for days? Not hardly, jerseybiscuit. All commenters have a little symbol in the upper left corner of the page that tells them when someone has responded or starred a comment of theirs. If it took me a while to respond to your hateful comments on Ms Novack's appearance, that would be because I DON'T camp…
No, apparently the purpose was so you could feel superior to everyone on this website so it should make you feel happy. Internet hugs for being a self righteous bitch!
"...unless it came with a side of disadvantaged orphan flambee."
I have no idea what you think but I do know that you made a negative comment on the physical appearance of an 81 year old woman who has never done you any harm. And I'm assuming it is because you think you have a right to control her (or any woman's) appearance that you disagree with. And I think that means you suck…
Oh yeah because so many CEOs have been punished in country for breaking the law. They're right up there with bankers for the justice system. s/
You realize that you are defending your right to attack an 81 year old woman for how she looks, right? And you somehow think that makes you a good person? And I never told you that you couldn't have an opinion. I told you that your opinion doesn't matter because it sucks. There is a difference.
It is not juvenile if the name fits and it fits you so perfectly that you should trademark it and make some money. As to scholarship contests, yes the women look good but they also are educated and talented so fuck off for the final time on your antiquated "I own women because they look good and can treat them like…
I didn't say they were. But you sure as fuck do not get to tell Kim Novak or any other woman how they can appear in public. You do not have the right. You do not own her because she was in films. So you can stop pretending to be all reasonable. You weren't expressing an opinion but attacking the woman for how she…
To an asshole such as yourself, those contests are about being a sex object. To normal people they are not. Because normal people do not immediately think pretty woman = sex object. But that would be why you are an asshole.
Yes, because I'm hoping that you, one sexist man, will die a painful death means I'm as big an asshole as a man who thinks a Miss America contestant, and every other woman who enters any similar contest, deserves to be treated as a sex object and not as a human being. By a sexist man's standard, that makes sense. I…
If the woman was a big an asshole as you, I would not care.