
But there are plenty of christians who don't think that way about homosexuals. So it depends on how it is being interpreted. Surely you are not under the impression that every christian thinks the exact same way about everything?

No, pretty sure cassiebearRAWR is a woman - and a funny one to boot.

I don't see how you can make that claim about Luftwaffe unless you know her IRL. The fact is, no matter how she behaved to him, he had no right to blame her for his suicide. That was his own decision. Apparently you know nothing about suicide and some of the people who commit that act. You might want to read up on

So you are blaming Luftwaffe for that guy's suicide. You are apparently assuming that she turned him down in some horrible way and that his only recourse was to commit suicide. You do have lots of things wrong with you.

And christianity is used to say that homosexuals are evil perverts who should be executed, and that women should not have autonomy over their own bodies and any number of things that have nothing to do with the religion and everything to do with how certain people interpret that religion.

Yes, I can say it is just culture. Because the culture that treats women as the property of the men in their family predates the religion. The fact that people take a religion and interpret it to cover what they already believe is a well known fact. Christianity is full of stuff that comes from other cultures that

"In the case of Islam it was originally the culture of the tribes living on the Arabian peninsula..."

What the hell is wrong with you? You're blaming her because some guy blamed her for his suicide?

No, they don't. School yourself on what these regions were like before islam came. School yourself on the tenets of Islam. Patriarchal cultures existed before islam. You will find honor killings done by chrisitans and other religions in certain regions too because it has to do with the culture and not the religion.

No it doesn't. It is the culture and the laws of the particular region. Are there bad people who use Islam to excuse what they do? Of course but that is true of any religion. Every religion has people who use their interpretation of the religion to hurt others. Bad people are the cause of bad behavior.

"...these harmful cultural practices, they would speak out against them, issue fatwas, ban them, etc... but they haven't."

You're only happy because you hate muslims and think they are the only ones committing human rights abuses.

No, not in the name of Islam but the name of the patriarchal culture that existed there before Islam existed. Do try to keep up with the conversation and don't turn to bigotry as an answer to your own ignorance.

So basically you're saying that unless a woman is being stoned to death she has nothing to complain about? Good to know.

So you think this stuff doesn't happen in western countries?

Yeah, because 20 to 2 would have totally changed the situation.

" of the few remaining religions that not only condones it but encourages it."

"...since islam has influenced that local culture for centuries, and is a part of it."

I'm not acting dumb but you are acting like a paranoid conspiracy idiot. If as you agree it doesn't HAVE to be covered here then the why is not important. Unless you think there is some kind of conspiracy about it and there this:…