
I’m not looking them all up, but he co-wrote the screenplays for most of those movies. They were adaptations. He would not have been adapting anything for “Return of the Jedi.” He would have been, to a large degree, doing what George Lucas wanted him to do.

To be fair, Cronenberg doesn’t have any regrets. But, oof. That’s a rough phone call.

Or the scene where Anakin is seen without his helmet for that matter.

Cronenberg definitely has a geek streak (as if it’s not obvious with the Ballardian influences in his work). In his novel Consumed there’s a whole exchange between two characters about Sailor Moon in the final chapters that goes on for nearly a whole page. One of them even recites the lyrics to the theme song from

While Dune was its own special type of not-so-great movie, Lynch’s decision to direct “Dune” instead of “Return of the Jedi” had a wonderful and legendary outcome of the partnership of Lynch and Kyle McLaughlin. What wonderful things those two gave us over the years!

Cronenberg’s take on hibernation sickness would have been brutal.

Fun fact: Cronenberg was so impressed with cinematographer Peter Suschitzky’s work on Empire Strikes Back that he asked him to work on Dead Ringers. He’s been Cronenberg’s director of photography ever since.

It's not politics, it's people being shitty towards women with think veiled arguments. Women are underrepresented in games and it hurts nothing to have them as generals. 

What customers were attacked?

Counterpoint: fuck misogynists.

I think the real outrage here is that this game exists at all, given that video games didn’t exist back in Roman times. #anachronismpcbullshitmagaethicsinvideogamejournalismpizzagate

Being bothered by video games depicting women in positions of power, by definition, makes you a “soft pathetic excuse of a human being”.

The thing that gets me is these are the same people who call US too easily offended and triggered.

Fragile masculinity strikes again. It’s reassuring though that they tend to overlap with incels, and thus a higher than average chance they’ll never produce offspring.

Considering, for example, the mere existence of gay people in games has some people crying “political!”, I don’t think those people are being reasonable.

Imagine being so insecure that a fake woman holding a position of authority in a videogame made you uncomfortable. I'm not at all surprised that their celebacy is involuntary.

1.- This doesn’t seem to account for perspective.